Chapter 12: You can't find me

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"Hey, what's up?"

"He's back, Sean. Remember Max? He is at our school and Harper isn't doing okay."

"Oh wow. Shit, um... do you think he's okay? You know...if he went to a therapist or something?" For some reason, Sean sounded very awkward.

"I don't know. She just saw him and ran." I scratch the back of my head.

"I think somebody should talk to him. Check if he's okay. Harper shouldn't, obviously, maybe you."

"I guess... since he doesn't really know me."

"Is that all? I kind of have to go, sorry Slov."

"No, it's okay. Bye." He hangs up before saying goodbye.

I look at my phone in confusion before I head back to Harper's room. The morning light was dawning on her nervous face as she knows it's time to head back to school. I greet her with a smile but I see Harper shiver.

"You don't have to go, you know that right?" I tell her but she shakes her head.

"Then I'd be missing my classes and I'm definitely not wasting my parent's money on him." She gets up confidently.

We both walk out of the apartment and head to her car. Once we reach the campus I head straight to my locker, where I found my 2 friends-sorry, friend and boyfriend: Zeke and Caden.

"Hey guys." I say and they both look up to me, to each other, and to the floor. Their actions make me chuckle.

I open my locker and I notice Zeke shift in the corner of my eyes. I turn to him and notice how he bites his lip. He was looking away, as if trying to form the words in his head.

"About yesterday, sorry if I dropped things on you too fast." He says and looks at me with a nervous expression.

I won't lie but when he told me he was starting to fall in love me last night, it was all I could think about before I went to sleep. I couldn't find comfort in myself because of how unsure I was with our relationship. Some part of me wanted me to pursue this relationship and have a perfect life with Zeke, but something was pulling me back.

My stupid heart was pulling me back.

For some reason the feelings I had around Caden was stopping me from continuing this relationship. It's confusing because what I have with Caden doesn't even make sense. He's dating somebody else and he's just my tutor. Whatever he's doing is seriously playing with my heart and not allowing me to go on with Zeke.

It just made me dislike Caden so much more.

"It's okay Zeke. You just surprised me is all, I didn't know how to react." I tell him honestly and he nods, satisfied with my answer.

"Okay, but just know that you don't have to answer me yet. Just think about it." He says and kisses me on the forehead before he leaves.

I'm alone with my thoughts until Caden snaps his fingers in front of me.

"He told you he loves you?" He suggests and my eyes widen.

"How did you know?"

"I know now." He smirks and looks at his phone with a serious expression.

"What about your girl? You guys love each other?" I ask nonchalantly and he chuckles.

"Honey, you don't know me. I'm not good with commitments." He tells me and I was honestly surprised that he even opened up and told me that. I was doing well.

"And what does she think about that?"

"Goodness, she hates me for it." He says and chuckles again. Must be hard for her... but at the same time it must be hard for Zeke. Wow, I suck.

"Oh shoot, I have to find someone before class." I say quickly as I look at my phone. 20 minutes before class starts, meaning 20 minutes to find and talk to Max Darwell.

"And who are you going to find?" He asks curiously and I decide to just tell him since he already opened up to me.

"Max Darwell." I tell him and quickly turn away, not forgetting the surprised expression on Caden's face.


I found him.

He was in the library talking to a few other kids about something interesting, considering they were all laughing.

I silently walk over, covering my chest with a chemistry textbook.

"Hey, Max." I say and he looks up at me. It's funny how I know him but he probably doesn't know anything about me.

"Slovan, it's been a while." He replies. Okay, scratch that, he knows me for some reason and that really creeps me out. I motion for him to follow me and he waves goodbye to his friends.

"How do you know me?" I ask and he smiles. We stop near the doors of the library, in case I had to make a run for it. This guy scares me.

"Well, you went to my old school. Plus, your Harper's best friend." He looks at me when he says the last sentence, I'm assuming, to see if I knew anything. I decide to let him in on it.

"I wasn't sent by her if that's what you're thinking. I'm doing this for her sake. What are you doing here? Are you going to torture her again?" I glare at him and his eyes widen.

"No, I'm done with that. Once my family moved I was sent to a psychiatrist and they helped me with my messed up mind. I learned to appreciate people more and shit like that. That's why I'm back in school." He says with his hands raised.

"How could you change so quickly. I can't even know if you're saying the truth since at the old school I didn't see you as the guy who was into hurting girls."

"Trust me on this Slovan. It took me years but I somehow am fixed. If anything, I really want to apologize to Harper. Maybe catch up with her with a cup of tea, I remember how she loved tea." He says hopefully but I shake my head.

"That's probably not going to happen. She was pretty freaked out when she saw you yesterday because if you don't remember you fucking hurt her you asshole."

"Which is why I want to apologize!" He shouts and the librarians all look over and shush him.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll mention it to her when she feels better. But for now, stay out of sight." I plead with him and he nods.

"Okay...okay." He says, as if trying to understand that this was for the best.

"Thank you. I'm going." I leave him and quickly run over to my first class for today.

Max was seriously the most confusing person I've ever met but I just hope that he really did change. I walk into Chemistry and sit in a corner where I can really be able to think in silence.

I knew for a fact that Harper would never want to see him again so I won't be telling her about this meeting anytime soon.

Then I think of Caden's surprised expression. Don't tell me he knew about Max Darwell, I mean, how many people that I know could he know as well?

How similar are we?


Hey guys!!! How was this chapter? I'm feeling much better and am getting back on writing yep! Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think about this story! Love ya :D

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