Chapter 43: His Story

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I wake up to an empty bed.

Great. He left. He regrets what he said.

I sigh into the bed but right before I close my eyes I notice my clothes were folded and stacked on my bedroom table in front of me. I decide to lift my nasty ass up and put on a fresh set of clothes which included some sweats and a tang top. No surprise there.

I open my bedroom door and head to the washroom to wash up. I notice the bathroom door is already open, when it usually isn't. Caden probably went in there earlier. I quickly wash up and head to the kitchen for some breakfast but I notice a figure in the living room.

Caden was sitting on the edge of the couch, a little tense. He seemed to be in his own zone so I slowly walk over, hoping he wasn't going to tell me anything that went along the lines of, 'You were awful last night'.

Okay maybe he wouldn't say it like that, maybe a little nicer.

I let out a small cough and he quickly turns around.

"Hey." He says with a small smile.

"Hi." I say nervously.

His smile changed as he seemed to notice my nervousness, "Are you okay? Did I hurt you in any way? Do you...regret it?" He looks down at his last question and my nervousness fades away.

"No way. You were great and sure, I'm a little sore, but I think that's normal." I say and he nods.


I sit down on the couch and cross my legs so I can turn and face him. He does the same so we were both cross legged and facing each other on the couch.

"I want to tell you. My story." He says and my eyes widen.

"You really don't have to if you don't want to." I say, hoping this wasn't a forced decision because he thinks I really need to know or something.

"No. You deserve to know, especially now, since you've become so important to me. I want to tell you." My heart warms at his comment and I grab hold of his hand.


"So I'll start from the beginning," He looks away from my gaze and zones out while looking at the ground, "My life really begins when I was born, obviously," He chuckles nervously and I can't help but squeeze his hand.

"Right. So my family was pretty confusing. It was just me, my dad and my stepmom. Don't ask about my real mother because I honestly have no idea what happened to her, but I think my dad really loved her. I assumed she either left or died giving birth to me." I can't help but gasp at his last statement but he doesn't seem to care about that.

"It was a long time ago, I'm kind of used to thinking about that now. So, my stepmother was a bitch, just like all those stepmothers in different fairy tales. She was always yelling at me and I couldn't help but hate her for critiquing every move I made, but that's not important. What's important is that my father died when I was around 12, which you already knew. I think he had bad health problems and his body just couldn't keep up with him anymore. That just really broke me because he was the only person that I could really rely on.." He chokes up and I can't help but feel bad for him.

"It just left me and my stepmother, or so I thought. It was only a week after my dad's death when my stepmom decided to abandon me and leave me on the streets to rot. She was all smiley when she suggested we go to the park together and I was obviously excited because I thought she changed or something. I thought she might've wanted to help me get over my dad's death, but that was not the case. Once we reached the park she told me that she would go and buy ice cream for the both of us. She left and never came back." He tears up and I move closer to embrace him.

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