Chapter 15: Expect the Unexpected

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I run over to Harper and feel Zeke rush past me and hold her other arm. We both carry her to the washroom where she continues to throw up.

"Jesus Harper. Where's Jerry?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"He left an hour ago to meet some friends or something." She washes her face as me and Zeke look at each other with worry.

"Are you sick or something?" I touch her forehead but nothing seemed wrong. I started thinking the worst when Harper sighs.

"Shit, well, I think I know what's going on. I won't judge you if you think the worst because I think it might be happening." She groans. "I had a stupid dream. Can you drive me to like the nearest store?"

"Yeah, definitely." I nod and hold her up.

We both head out the door with Zeke following closely behind us. Once we reached my car, I start it and head to the closest store, which happened to be Targot. We rush inside and Harper tells us to wait before she heads alone somewhere.

"I hope she's okay." I say and Zeke nods.

"How about we go shop? It could get our mind off of it." Zeke says.

I follow his lead and we go buy some chips. I continue to eat in tension and Zeke keeps trying to make conversation. I couldn't help but ignore him as I kept worrying for Harper because I had a feeling what was going on.

Harper rushes towards us and I notice the tears in her eyes.

"I'm fucking pregnant!"

She cries and falls into my arms. I reach for the pregnancy test in her hand and it was true. It came out positive.

"I had a feeling for a while now but I kept ignoring it. Fuck!" I pat her back as she lets herself out. I notice people looking our way and Zeke glares at them. He also pats Harper's back and she continues to sob.

My mind was still blank as it hadn't truly hit me yet. I pat her back in shock and slowly come to realization.

This was crazy.

No-this was insane.

My best friend is pregnant!


Zeke went home, understanding that he wasn't needed anymore as Harper wanted me alone. It was about 5 hours after the scene at Targot and Harper was so nervous and I completely understood her. At this time we had calmed down a little but we couldn't help but think. This wasn't something small, this was a baby we were talking about.

"Do you know who's it is?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I mean the only person I recently did it with was Jerry... but I don't know. It could've been someone else before him. I don't know how this works." She groans.

"Are you going to tell him?"

"I mean, when I'm ready."

"Wow, look at you acting so mature about this."

"Yeah well, I'm terrified but I mean if this is happening, it's happening." I smile at her bravery knowing that this meant Harper was probably going to keep the baby.

"So you're keeping the baby?"

"Of course! I can't just kill the baby, it's my fault! I created him or her and I will take responsibility." She nods with a determined face.

"God I love you." I sigh and she cries again. "Harper! Stop crying, you'll be okay!"

I look inside the cupboards and try to come up with some dinner. This was going to be a long night and I can't help but notice how many terrible things are happening with Harper.

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