Chapter 30: Finding Sean

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Me and Caden have been driving for about 3 hours until we found the perfect shady looking spot near Sean's school.

We hop out of Caden's Porsche and try to find him.

And then we did.

There were about 4 other guys surrounding him with cigarettes and I notice the bottles of alcohol surrounding them. The walls were spray painted with a whole bunch of swear words and Caden looks over at me in question. I shrug and look back at the mysterious Sean whom I once fully knew. Now this guy is relieving himself with drugs and I can't bear to watch.

Caden stomps over and spins Sean around. Sean stares at Caden and then looks behind him to spot me, with my arms crossed.

"Come." I motion him to follow me and I hear Sean say goodbye to his fake friends.

He runs over to my side and gives me a grin, "How've you been?"

"Worried sick!" He was caught off guard with my statement and I explain the situation, "I called you like a billion of times!" I shout and face him. We walk over to the other side of the building. Caden leans on the wall while I have a face off with my brother.

He quickly gives me a worried look, "What happened?"

"Dad came. He texted me and I was just really fucking scared. He invited me over next week so we could all talk and have it be like the 'old times'." I put air quotes and feel the wind blow through my hair. Tears fall slowly fall down my face.

"He didn't." He says in disbelief and I nod. He automatically gives me a hug and I fall into his embrace. This was all to unreal.

My brother was right in front of me, after all those years of thinking I would never see him again, and now my own father came to see me. He even wants me to meet him again.

"He came to my school today and it was just awful. How did you even stay with him?" I murmur into his shoulder and he pulls me back.

"He what? He would never do that. He doesn't even have contact with you."

"He has your phone dummy. He knows my number and he probably knew I went to school there." He wipes my tears and I laugh a little.

"He sucks, but he has reasons. I don't blame him for what he did, it was all the stress of the moment. I'm sorry that he scared you like that."

"Are you defending him?!" I say incredulous. He chuckles and I just felt more confused. I love my brother more than anything but this was just confusing as hell.

"He'll talk to you. As much as he sucks, don't hate him. He had a reason. Mom did too. They both were struggling and I feel like we should just understand that our parents were both really young when they had us. They just weren't ready."

"He hit you, he attempted to hit me today, he took your phone-" I count with my fingers and he looked shocked as I spoke. He cuts me off.

"He tried to hit you? Well, he always did have some sort of anger issues, you may have triggered him. But...when I lived with him, I learned a lot and it made me start to love the guy. He's my dad no matter what. I get that you don't really know yet but trust me, you should visit next week. I'll be right by your side so don't worry."

I was still confused but I decide to take a chance, because I love and trust my brother, "I have to think about it."

"Go ahead. No matter the decision, I love you, forever and always." He looks into my eyes and raises his hand. His fingers were crossed and my eyes start to water again.

I grin and put my crossed fingers in front of him too.

Sean looks away from me and to Caden, who seemed pretty quiet throughout all of this.

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