Chapter 49: Paying Bills

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I open the door to find Jerry and Harper eating their food happily in the kitchen. Right when I enter, they both turn to me and their expressions turn into worry.

"What did Caden do?" Harper runs over to me and Jerry follows after her. She gives me a tight hug and I bury my face into her shoulder. I feel Jerry's hand rub my back over and over to help comfort me.

"I don't know. We were having fun and everything until he got this text. It said something about an emergency and he said we had to leave that instant. I followed him but when he parked here he started saying things about if I could wait for him and then he said that's too selfish. He's leaving Harper and I don't know if I can take that." I sob into her shoulder and she pats me.

I feel her adjust herself to give Jerry a scared/apologetic look. She was probably apologizing for my behavior. He murmurs an, "It's okay. We're practically family now, we take care of each other." He chuckles a little, until Harper glares at him for chuckling and he goes back to patting my back.

"I'm so sorry, that must be awful. Especially since you love him so much. You practically gave him your whole damn heart." She says and I nod.

"He gave me his too. He was really upset about leaving and he kept telling me that he loved me. I'm scared Harper, this can't be forever."

"It's okay, everything will be fine. If he loves you, he'll come back. Now come, let's eat some noodles." She pulls me over to the dining table and we all eat together.

Jerry had started to come over a lot more often so I can't help but feel like, as he said, a family almost. It was only 3 months ago when it was just me and Harper but Jerry somehow was able to fit in with us. He became a bright fun guy for us to hang out with. Of course, it was all for Harper. He wanted to stay by her side whenever she felt pain because he found it unfair with how she had to bear with it all when he didn't feel a thing.

"Okay...I think I'm ready to tell you both about what really went down at my parent's house that Christmas." Harper says after a moment of silence. Me and Jerry both look at Harper and give each other curious looks, do we know anything more than the other person? I can't help but chuckle at how we both had the same thought.

"So it's not just, 'oh it was fine.'" I ask and Jerry nods.

"No, it was much worse actually. Because somehow, some way, my parents found ways to get me in trouble." She says and I sigh sadly as Jerry huffs.

"For some reason they found out about how I was going to parties and sleeping with people. I have no idea how, but they did. My mother first came over to me and started shouting at me for doing unspeakable things. She also brought me towards my painting room. The room I painted when I was in a dark place with Max."

"You both know that story. But I repainted most of the walls with happier things but obviously, not everything was taken out. She was shouting so loud that my father came in and he joined in on the yelling as he disagreed with my partying ways. I thought that this meeting was for us to get to know each other better and to save for all the lost time, but it wasn't. They were upset and soon, with my disagreements, they had kicked me out. How fun is that?" She says a little too depressingly and I can't help but frown.

"Your parents are just upset with you, I mean every parent loves their child, even if they don't show it. You literally grew inside of your mothers womb and she obviously has to feel protective over you." Jerry says and I nod.

"I think they're just doing what parents do best. Get mad. If my kid partied and slept with multiple people I would have kicked them out too, no offense Harper. It's just me saying I do not approve. They'll come back to you after a while, I mean, they invited you over for Christmas." I say and she nods sadly.

"I just wish they payed attention to me. It sucks knowing you have no parents to talk to or have support from. No one to teach you life lessons or anything." She sighs and I come around to pat her back.

"You'll be fine. We'll all be fine."

"You can say that now but guess what time it is?" Harper asks and I look at her curiously.

"It's time to pay the bills." She says and I groan.

Fuck money.


How was this chapter y'all? Just like the other chapter, it's pretty short oops! I feel like things are getting a little serious but don't worry y'all things will get better....wouldn't it? KAY remember that I love you and I hope you guys have a wonderful, splendid and happy day. BA BYE

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