Chapter 28: Falling in a Deep Dark Hole

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FLASHBACK (12 years old)

"Why did you come so late?!" My mother shouts from downstairs.

"It's none of your damn business why I'm out so late." I hear him push her from him as there was a loud crash.

I cover my ears with my pillow knowing that I didn't want to hear the rest.

"Fuck you! You're just a fucking slut!"

"Are you even listening to yourself right now?! You were the one who was out late!" A bottle crashes.


I close my eyes and push myself deeper into my bed.

I hear my door open and I let out a small cry.

"Don't worry it's just me." Sean whispers. I nod and turn away from him to find a way to hide inside my bed.

"Here, I thought you might need this." He slowly removes the pillow from my head and covers my ears with his dark blue headphones. I hold the headphones and look into his eyes. I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped away my tears.

He lies down beside me and we both face each other as we wait to fall asleep.

He crosses his fingers in front of me and I cross my fingers in front of him. This was our sign that we would always be together, through all the troubles.



"Hey Sean, I don't know why you're not picking up texted. I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out over here. Help." I silently cry into my phone and shut it off.

I call Sean after I come home from school and sigh at the memory I had just relived. I never noticed it, but now that I think about it, Sean really did help me a lot when I grew up.

It hurts to know that he was the one that got the bad ending in the end. He had to live with our dad and move to a whole separate area where he doesn't know anybody.

I go to my dance room and find the perfect song to dance to whenever I feel sad and alone. Ever since Sean left, I had to live by myself and that really scared me but helped me at the same time since I always relied on him.

When I first found this song I fell into a deep dark hole of sadness and depression but it also helped me as it made me want to dance and express myself.

SYML-Mr Sandman

I don't do much contemporary but when I do, it's just a whole fun experience. I love this type of dance but it takes a whole lot of work and effort so right now I just slowly spin and move around in the moves that I know.

Then I relive my story.

I hear the bottles smash against the walls.

The screams and shouts from the kitchen.

Doors slamming.

My dad slapping Sean.

I let out a small whimper as I think about everything. I spin and fall to the ground and start sobbing.


FLASHBACK (14 years old)

"Dad's taking me somewhere. Please, just take care of yourself." Sean holds my shoulders as he hides us in the washroom.

My parents were still fighting in the other room and Sean was able to give me the message. I knew they were going to divorce but I didn't know Sean was leaving too.

"No, don't go." I pull at his shirt and look at the ground as I let the tears fall. He could try and tell me that dad was just taking him somewhere, but I knew. Sean always did that. He always thinks he's doing the best for me, but I always knew.

"It won't be long."


We let the silence fill the room until I look back up at his eyes.

"We can't do anything." Sean confirms and I notice the tears falling from his face.


I start to sob and he gives me a strong hug. We both cry in each other's arms until the washroom door breaks open.

"We're leaving!" My father shouts and he pulls Sean away from me. He pulls him away quickly and I end up having to run after them.

I reach my mom, who was at the door stand with my father. His hand holding Sean's arm. Sean was 17 and I was 14 at the time.

Dad nods at me and glares at my mother before he and my brother turn around and walk towards the car. My father was out of view as he left to the drivers end but my brother was still there and he looks me dead in the eye.

"Get in the car!" I hear my dad shout and Sean listens.

Not without leaving a small sign.

Instead of waving before getting into the car, he waves with his two fingers crossed. My heart hurt.

As they backed out of the driveway I wave with my two fingers crossed.

Because I knew we would see each other again. We had to.



Harper was now in front of me, hugging me as I cry my heart out. It's honestly been so long since I last cried so this was just so weird.

Sean and my father had left me around 7 years ago, and I've always tried to suppress these haunting memories. Ever since my father texted me, it caused myself to relive everything I tried to forget.

I hold onto Harper and can't help but think how our positions are switched. It was usually the opposite, having myself always comforting Harper. But this was different. I've never really let my emotions spill out like this. Harper probably felt really scared for me and I couldn't blame her.

I'm scared for me too.

But out of everyone...

I was always scared for Sean.


I know I"M SORRY. This chapter might've been super confusing but I'm just giving more backstory as to how important Sean is. There are a whole lot of flashbacks (there's literally only 2 but whatever) but I hope it didn't bother y'all too much. BTW you guys should listen to the song while reading this chapter. It makes it all sad... KAY IMMA GO HAVE MA COFFEEEE... Bye I love you guysss :DD

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