Chapter 26: Cafe time

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It was about 8:00 p.m. when I came into work today for my late shift today. After two hours I find myself waiting for something. Or someone.

I sit at the cash register and finish up with the last few customers. After they left I get up and turn the front door sign from 'open' to 'closed'.

The other workers had already left since today was my day to close down the cafe. I remove my cute green apron and hang it back up on the shelf. I count the money from the cash register and can't help but grin.

When you count money, you can't help but feel a little rich.

I look around the room and felt a little braver than usual. I dim the lights in the cafe and turn on my phone. After finding a simple fun song, I decide to play it and turn it up.

Okay, I swear I'm not weird. Just imagine yourself alone in a cafe with the lights dimmed dark orange. There are people walking down the busy streets at night, but still, the whole scene just makes you feel like dancing.

I spin around with the beat and laugh to myself because of how stupid this must look from the outside. The windows were closed but you could still see through the clear glass door. It didn't matter because I felt the need to just let loose.

It's been a blessed few days and I feel like I have everything put together. Well... except for my school assignments. But I'm talking about social life.

My hands were in the air and I sing along with the song. Feeling the rhythm and jumping around the room, god, I'm weird aren't I.

I hear knocking from the door making me jump. I turn to look at who's out the door and...thank goodness.

It was just Caden.

Wait no.

Oh my god. Caden just saw me dancing like an idiot.

I walk over and open the door for him. He was in a black hoodie and his forest green eyes were dimmed with the lighting.

"Hi." I say breathless from all the movement.

"Hey." He grins, "Is it weird that I have a strong urge to kiss you right now?"

"Um, yes." I get flustered and scratch the back of my head.

He walks in and looks around the cafe.

"Yeah, come in." I say sarcastically and he smirks.

"This is quite the place you've got here. A whole place to yourself. Nice." He nods impressed and I shrug.

"This is my friend's cafe so it was my turn to close this place down. What are you even doing here?" I ask him.

"I honestly have no idea. I felt the need to get out of my house so I just took a long walk over here to get some food. You got any?" I motion for him to follow me and we head over to back of the cafe.

There was a stash of donuts hidden under the counter containing the leftovers from today.

"This is all we've got. I mean, it looks pretty good if you ask me." I pull out the box and walk back over to a cafe table. We take down the chairs that were placed on top of the table and make ourselves comfortable.

"The vibe in here is nice." He pulls out his phone and puts on a slow chill song.

"Yeah, you bet. That's kind of why I just made a fool of myself."

"I wouldn't say you made a fool of yourself. I loved it." He gives a gentle smile, "If I were honest, I kind of find you inspiring. You have so much random shit that's thrown your way but you're able to make the best out of everything. Seeing you dance like that, with no care in the world, god, I wish I were you."

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