Chapter 61: Baby

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"MMPHGAGAGAGA!" Harper groans out.

Ever since we got Harper into our car she's been making super weird noises. She's probably doing that to suppress her pain but it freaked me out all the more. After Harper's water broke, we managed to wake everyone up in the house and rush Harper into my car/van. The whole family fit into the car and began to make our way to the hospital. I was in the middle of driving when she groans this out.

"GOD ARE WE THERE YET?!" She cries and I look at her worriedly from the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, almost. Hold on tight." I say and Caden turns around to check on her from the passenger seat. Jerry had her laying on his lap with his hand on her stomach.

"Holy shit, we're actually having a baby." He says.

"It just hit you now?!" Caden laughs out and Jerry can't help but let out a freaked out chuckle as he watches Harper dying of pain.

We finally reach the hospital and had the emergency crew take her in on a stretcher. Jerry runs after them while Harper's mother slowly walks after them. While they all enter the hospital, I use that time to find a place to park my car. After only 2 minutes of parking, me and Caden both finally go running into the emergency room that would hold Harper during her time of labor. We finally reach the room and Harper is laying on the bed, holding her stomach in pain.

"Geez, baby you're going to pay for this when you're born." She squeals out and I can't help but chuckle at her threats. The nurse/doctor walks up to the 4 of us.

"Okay, so it may take about 8 hours of labor and about 1-2 hours of giving birth. There will be points when the pain will be really hard to bear so you could take medication but it may affect the baby. You could either take the medication or just wait it out and bear with the pain."

"Yeah, I'm obviously going to bear the pain." Harper says and we all look at the doctor.

"So it may take a while, you guys shouldn't all be here as it would put more pressure on Harper." The doctor says and we all nod. We decide to take our leave, except Jerry as he wanted to stay by her side throughout the whole process.

"See ya Harpy!" I wave and she gives me a fearful smile.

"See ya! Oh my god. I'm having a baby." She starts talking to herself and we all leave her with Jerry. Me, Caden, and Mrs. Collins make our way down the hall from her room silently as we process what was actually happening.

"Damn, that's crazy, there's going to be a baby in the apartment." Caden says and I nod.

"I know, it's fucking crazy." I say and my eyes start falling shut. I yawn helplessly, even though I was actually super excited about Harper's soon to come baby. Caden pulls me over to the waiting chairs.

"My daughter is having a baby." Mrs. Collins states and I smile tiredly at her. We three take a seat on the chairs, which were all nearby to Harper's room. I was in the middle, with Harper's mother to my left and Caden to my right.

"She sure is." I reply and lean my head on Caden's shoulder. His head leans back on top of mine as we try to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Should I put an alarm for 6 hours or 5?"

"Let's do 6. She said it would take around 8 hours right?" Caden asks and I nod.

"Yeah, okay 6." I put the alarm and we find a good position again.

"I'll wake you two if it happens any earlier." Mrs. Collins says and she begins to play a game on her phone.

"Thanks." Me and Caden reply at the same time. We both chuckle and he kisses the top of my head before we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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