Chapter 27: Moments

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I open the door to the apartment and find Harper leaning on the kitchen counter with a sad look on her face. Once she heard the door close she looks up and gives me a sad smile.

" parents want me to visit next week." Harper tells me.

"Oh. Wait. What?" I look up at her after removing my sneakers and she shrugs.

"Yeah, they called about an hour ago."

I walk over to her and grab her hand, "You sure you're okay with that?"

I can't help but feel concerned whenever Harper talks about her parents. They were never really there for her when she grew up as their job became their upmost priority. That may seem pretty reasonable but they were literally never really there for any of Harper's greatest moments.

She practically lived by herself since she was around 8-9 years old.

"They said their job was going well and they had time to make for me." She rolls her eyes and passes me her cup of coffee. I take a sip and nod.

"Well, that's annoying to hear." I say and she chuckles.

"It really is. But I think I'm kind of over it now, like, this is my life and I might as well build a better relationship with my parents."

"Wow, look at you." I grin and squeeze her hand, "You already know I would never be ready to meet my father yet. Or my mother either honestly."

Harper nods and gives me a small smile, "We're so messed up."

"I've seen worse." I tell her and she nods.

"Now are you going to explain to me why your lips look so.." She moves her hand like she's trying to figure out the word and my eyes widen, knowing I probably looked like a hot mess.

"Haha... goodnight Harper." I dash away from her and she runs after me.

"Get back here!"


Next week is the start of our Christmas break and I honestly can't wait to take time to myself. Harper's leaving to go meet her parents and I have the whole apartment to myself.

At least that's what I thought.

Until I woke up this morning to get ready for school and checked my phone.

Random Number: Hello Slovan, it's your father. How's school going for you? I heard that next week you guys are having Christmas break. Your brother told me how he saw you again and you both are in contact now. Would you like to come over? We could hangout like the good old days.

Okay. What the actual fuck.

Tears well up in my eyes and I burst open my bedroom door. I run over to Harper who was putting makeup in her room and put the phone to her face. She takes it after putting her stuff down.

Once she finishes reading it, she glances back up at me and sighs in annoyance.

"I really hate this man." She murmurs and hugs me.

Of course, the day after we talk about Harper's parents my father had to show up and text me.

I honestly hated my father with ever cell in my body. He took away my brother and made sure we would never have contact with each other. He was abusive and used to come home drunk every night. He would sometimes even hurt my brother when my brother was just trying to protect me as a kid.

I would get yelled at by him a whole lot and my mother never speaks out or anything. She never went against my father. Until the divorce. But my mother still never even spoke out against taking away my brother. I was so scared for Sean and so worried that he'd get hurt or be abused but when I saw him again, he didn't seem in bad shape.

It didn't even make any sense. How could my father even suggest meeting up when he was the one who was against meeting the whole time?

Me and Harper finally get ready for school. We both head to my car and Harper decided to take the wheel knowing that I was too deep in my own thoughts.

Like the good old days, he said.

What a joke.

Those good old days was when I was under 11 years old. I have no idea what changed him but one day he started having drinking habits and everything changed.

I leave the car and head straight into the school. With my head hung low I head to my locker and find Caden there, along with Max.

If Max even speaks a word to me right now...

I open my locker and overhear Caden and Max arguing beside me. I groan and look at them.

"Shut up." I sigh and shove books into my bag. It's so weird how me and Caden literally did all that at the cafe yesterday. So much happened since then.

"Slovan, pleasure to see you again." Max smiles creepily.

"You okay?" Caden asks, and he honestly seems concerned.

"Does it look like I am." I turn to face him fully. He scans me over and his mouth turns downward.

"Not at all. You look awful."

"Thanks." I scoff at his bluntness.

I scoop up my bag and shut my locker. I walk towards my next class when I hear Max shout.

"Put a good word for me to Harper!"

I roll my eyes and stick my middle finger behind me towards his direction.

Hey, I'm just trying to make my point out there.


MMMMMMMMMMMMMM how you feel? So, I found out BTS is finally coming to Canada and I'm freaking stoked. Except for the fact that I probably can't go like are ticket prices normally over $600? Like, that's a seriously insane price. KAY BA SENDING ALL MY LOVE:D

Edit: I wrote this like months ago and I'm happy to announce that I'm going to the concert :DDD For a much less price lol. If it was $600 my parents would actually kill me. KAY LOVE YA... btw I'm uploading another chapter now too because I felt like this chapter was super short kay see ya soon.

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