Chapter 47: DAte?

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3 months later...

I slip on my fitting maroon dress that cut right above the knee. I then shoulder my black purse, slip on some black heels and walk out of my bedroom door to find my two roommates. Jerry and Harper are both cuddling and watching a movie in the living room. I decide not to disturb them with my departure and slowly make my way to the front door.

It's been 3 months since me and Caden had started dating and these past 3 months were honestly the best few months that could ever happen to me. I've seen Caden practically every day for the first 2 months but, I'll be honest, this month was pretty rough.

Both of us had a ton of work to complete these past few weeks and were only able to see each other at our lockers. We used to text almost everyday, like those cute good morning and goodnight texts, but it stopped after a while...and I'll admit it, I really miss the guy.

So it's pretty understandable that me and Caden hadn't been able to see each other in a while. This all leads to why I'm so dressed up since he suggested we have a date, on the only weekend that we both weren't busy.

I slowly open the door and leave the apartment. Walking down the halls was pretty easy but by the time I got off the stairs I was already sick of these heels. I text Caden to ask where he is but I end up finding his car as it drives up right up in front of me.

"Hey baby. You look gorgeous." He looks me from top to bottom, making me feel self conscious. "Yep, you can't be shy around me remember? I've seen you in less than this."

I roll my eyes, but I still feel myself blush. "You don't look too bad yourself." He splays himself all over the seat to show himself off, like how I didn't, and I roll my eyes, "You can't be overconfident Caden, remember? I've seen you in more than this."

He chuckles and pats the seat beside me, "Come sit."

And I do. We start the drive to a very expensive restaurant and Caden begins playing a few of his favorite songs. Caden had earned quite a few paychecks and he felt the need to come show himself off by going to this fancy restaurant. He might try to act professional but I bet he's just as excited about what this place looks like as much as I was.

Caden was wearing a tight fitting tux that showed off his muscular figure and he seriously looked handsome as hell. I just hope that our outfits were enough for this fancy restaurant we're heading to.

"How've you been?" He asks me and I shake my head with a sigh.

"I'm honestly great right now. I finished multiple projects and I feel good about every single one of them. It's funny though, because literally none of them lead to my future dream job. I wanted to be a dance teacher right? But that's the subject I'm working on the least because I have no time for it." I say and he nods.

"I completely get that. Atleast you've got time to practice for it now." He comments but I can't help but laugh.

"Now? As in right now during our little date?"

"I mean if you want to dance at the fancy restaurant, by all means. I'll record you." He winks at me and I laugh again.

"Yeah right Caden. But while we're still on this topic, I did need some inspiration. Maybe you could dance and show me some of your moves there." I smirk.

"You're a funny one. Now let's get in there." He parks the car at the restaurants parking lot. I watch as there were many people wearing fancy clothing. All the men were wearing tuxes and women were in extravagant dresses, some even fancier than mine.

"With our good looks, we might look like we belong there." He says and I punch his arm.

We both leave the car and I follow him to the entrance of the place. It was actually really beautiful with orange-yellow mood lighting. There were many stunning chandeliers all around the place and the waiters or waitresses were all dressed up in pretty outfits. It was a full house tonight.

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