Chapter 9: Struggles

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and get off my study table.

I must've slept there by the endless studying last night. I felt pretty okay about my chances on this test. I got a lot of things clarified and Caden left late in the night.

"Morning!" I shout to Harper, who's in the bedroom next to mine.

"Morning! At least I don't have to wake you up today! Hallelujah!" I hear her yell and I roll my eyes.

Yesterday was not that bad.

I get ready and head out of the apartment building and into Harper's car. She joins me soon after and we both head to school together.

We part from each other and I head straight to the best part of campus. It's a sweet place I love to go to when I'm feeling nervous or angered. It's hard to spot but I found it my second week when I first joined into this college.

The place is filled with bright colorful trees and the grass is so much greener. It's just a really pleasing place. The best part is that there is a bench within the area and I could just sit there and calm myself down. Today's math test is the only thing I'm freaking out about.

I sit and chill on my own for a while until my mind was finally at rest. I walk back into the school and reach my locker. Zeke was leaning on it and I smile.

"What's up?" He asks and I sigh. Zeke is the kind of guy who always seemed to know if anything was wrong, and he could obviously tell how I was stressed for this test.

"I have a math test today. I've been practicing all night so I hope I at least pass." I tell him.

"I see. Caden's treating you alright?"

I look up at him confused, "Yeah, why wouldn't he be?"

"I heard he got into a fight yesterday."

"Oh, yeah, that. I saw it and it was pretty bad. Don't worry though, he's good to me." I say and don't bring any mention about my brother. Zeke doesn't know about my history either as the only person I've actually told was Harper since she was there for me throughout the whole thing.

"That's good. Look, I have to return my assignment so I have to go. I'll see you later?" He asks and I nod.

He leans forward and gives me that stupid goodbye kiss, then leaves.

"Hey. You ready?" I jump as I hear Caden's voice from behind me.

I turn to him and nod, "As ready as I'll ever be. Say...just out of curiosity..." He looks up at me with those stupid beautiful eyes, "Are you and your girl friend affectionate, physically?"

He gives me a smirk and my heart jumps, "We do it quite regularly if that's what your asking. Don't worry we use protection so don't give me that look."

I cough and look away from him. Of course, what did I expect from him. They hold hands sometimes? Gives romantic kisses at sunset? This was Caden we were talking about.

"Right, sorry. I ask stupid things sometimes."

"That wasn't stupid. Did someone ever tell you that the questions you ask are stupid? Because that's usually why you might think so, which I think is dumb, you have a right to know. Unless the other person doesn't want you to." He casually speaks this as he stuffs some binders into his bag. I could feel water forming in my eyes as his words had actually hit me.

People used to always say my opinions or questions were stupid.

He was right. And that really annoyed me.

"Yeah. I'll see you later then, during Math or English I guess." I say and look away from his intense gaze.

"Mhmm." He responds but I feel him pat my head before he walks away.

Fuck, he brings back way to many scary memories. I start to run over to my dance studio before the bell rings, but his voice kept ringing in my head.


"I feel like I just aced this test!"

I roll my eyes when I hear Isaac jump up out of his chair. The test wasn't as bad or scary as I thought it was going to be but it was still pretty hard. My head hurt terribly and I was ready to go home and take a nice long nap.

"How do you think you did Slo?" Caden asks me, completely ignoring Isaac's outburst.

"It was okay. I mean there were some questions I understood and just some that made my head burst." I groan and press my hand to my forehead. When I think too much my head always starts to pound and that was what was happening at the moment.

"Well, at least it's better than your other ones." He shrugs and I nod in agreement. This test was way easier in comparison.

I run out of the classroom when that bell rings and come to find Harper waiting outside of my classroom in tears.

"He's back."


I know, this chapter was super short but I am having a writers block. I did leave you guys with a huge cliff hanger to make up for it hahahaha! I love you guys and I hope you have a lit day because lord knows I had the worst few days. See ya soon ;)

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