Chapter 7: well...

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I wake up in Zeke's arms.

For some reason I have never imagined this in a million years.

He was spooning me so I turn around to face him. He looked at peace and I can't lie I really enjoyed last night. But it scared me.

Because I kept seeing forest green eyes.

Zeke groans and stretches, leaving me to continue staring at him. Zeke was a beauty, that's for sure, we had made out for a while on my bed last night, and it was everything hot.

I loved it, obviously, kissing was fun and gives you a fun feeling inside. We never went further than that, thankfully. I feel like if we did, I would have regretted it.

Maybe because I was still a virgin.

Not saying that nobody wanted me, but it was mostly because I was not really ready to fully give myself to somebody.

"Morning." Zeke sighs and smiles sweetly at me.

I smile back and bring my fingers to his lips, "Do you regret last night."

"For some reason, I don't." He frowns and shrugs.

"Good." I pull his face to mine where I place a small kiss on his lips.

"What time is it? We have school today, no? I still have to go home and get my stuff." Zeke was on full alert as he gets up from the bed.

"It's 5:12" I say as I look at my phone at my bedside.

"Okay so now I have to go. There's only going to be a farewell kiss, nothing more." He says wuth a chuckle and leans down to kiss me.

I giggle as I pull him down, trying to make the kiss longer. He smiles at this and lets me go slowly.

"Bye Princess." He says in a sing song voice.

"Shut up." I sing back.

I hear the door close and I shift back into my sleeping position. I felt like something changed between us, we're happier I guess but now that Zeke left I keep thinking about Caden. Why the hell am I thinking about Caden?

All these questions fill my head. What does he do that's so bad? He's such a mystery and I really want to figure him out. What are his secrets that he never mentions?

I fall back asleep thinking about those mysterious green eyes.


"Wake up! Slov!" I slowly wake up to Harper shaking me.

"You're so slow! We have to leave in like 5 minutes! I didn't realize you were still asleep." She gets off of me and my eyes widen.

I sit up and become on full alert.

"I must've forgot to put my alarm." I tell her.

"Yeah obviously. Go get ready, I'll make you breakfast." She leaves the room and I hop off the bed. I quickly brush my teeth and grab some random clothes, consisting of a big sweatshirt and some tights.

I wasn't able to do my whole makeup routine this morning, but thankfully last nights makeup was still there. I just do a few touch ups and put on a black baseball cap to help cover up.

Once I leave the washroom I grab the toast on the table and head to Harper's car.

"I swear if I'm late because of you-"

"You won't. We'll be on time." I tell her and it was true, sort of. There might be a small tiny chance that we might sort of be a millisecond late. Totally not a big deal haha..

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