Chapter 44: Better

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It has been 2 days since me and Caden started dating and I was living my best life. But for some reason my insecurities are starting to jump in.

It was a little frightening for me because there was never even one dull moment when I was with him because we both had so many stories to share. That scared me because it made me think about what we would do when we don't have anything to talk about. That was always the problem with me, it's why I don't make many friends.

I worry too much and I'm afraid they will leave me in the end.

Harper, Sean and Zeke are literally the only people in my life that I can really let myself go with nowadays. I seriously like Caden but for some reason I can't fully let myself go in front of him, even if he knows everything about me.

Is this normal after 2 days of dating? All the worries?

Caden was at his place at the moment because his parents had called him home. Once he left, I can't help but think about his missing presence and how these past 2 days were the best 2 days of my whole fucked up life.

I was eating a sandwich when I hear the front door unlock. I look up from the dining table in surprise.

Harper walks in with her packed bag and I notice the tiredness in her form. I automatically run over to her frail figure.

"Harper? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly, not knowing what exactly happened at her parent's place.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She drops her bag and clutches her stomach, "But the baby is seriously beating me up."

"Oh. I'll help you to your room." I say and she nods. She leans onto me and I carry her arm over my neck. I practically have to drag her to her bedroom.

"I forgot that pregnancy is supposed to hurt you." She says.

"I know, same." I laugh a little as I lay her onto the bed.

I sit beside her as she sighs into the bed. I was unaware of what to do at the moment so I decide to go make her some soup in the kitchen, I mean what else do you do?

It took a few minutes but once I finished I walk into the room, only to find Harper sleeping. She looked so tired so I guess I should've known that she would end up falling asleep. I place the soup on her table and walk out to the living room.

I turn on the TV and chew on some popcorn that was still on the table from the day before. Me and Caden didn't get to finish it know why. About 5 hours passed by and I was starting to fall asleep until I hear knocks on the door.

I tiredly get up and rush over to answer it. Once I open the door I was surprised to see Jerry, Harper's potential boyfriend, or father of her child.

"Oh, hi. Jerry right?" I say casually. My hair is probably in a mess and I'm a little too under dressed but it was okay because he seemed distracted.

"Is Harper okay? I haven't seen her in a while and she texted me earlier. She wanted me to talk to her about something. It seemed serious." He says and my eyes widen. Oh shit, am I going to be able to witness this drama? YUM.

"Oh, well, Harper's asleep right now-"

"No, I'm right here." She comes out of her room casually, as if this whole morning hadn't happened. I look at her with questioning eyes but she smiles.

"I have something kind of huge to share with you." She says and tugs at his hand. I notice the loving gaze from Jerry and I can't help but feel a little warm inside.

Harper pulls him over to the living room and she gives me the signal to watch from the kitchen, since you can view the living room from the kitchen. I lean on the table as I watch the shit pass by.

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