Chapter 42: Short breaths

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Neither of us can keep our mouths to ourselves. He cradles my face in his hands and my breath falters as he invades my mouth just as he's done all those times before. But this time it was different. This was real. His hands fall, traveling roughly down my body all the way to my hips. I wrap my arms around him as he presses sweet kisses down my jaw. I moan and bring his face up so I can kiss him again.

Our kiss is heavy with passion, hunger and desire. He slides his hand lower to cup my butt and in response, I curl my legs around his hips, allowing him to bring me anywhere he pleases. I circle my hands over his neck, pressing our chests together.

He doesn't stop kissing me as he walks over to my bedroom. Thank god he read my mind. He kicks open the door and I smile against his lips.

"If my door is broken.."

"Shhh.." He chuckles and molds his lips with mine again. We carelessly stumble into the bedroom. He kicks the door closed and lays me on the bed gently. His gentleness made me more turned on than ever and a smile forms on my lips as he climbs over me.

I tug at his shirt, "Take it off."

He chuckles and does what I say. When he throws the shirt aside, I can't help but gasp at his beauty. From the top of his messy brown hair to his full lips, down to his abs and tight stomach.

He's so goddamn gorgeous.

He gives me a sexy ass smirk before descending upon me again. There is more desperation in his next kiss, as his lips take their time on my collarbone down to my chest. Next thing I know my shirt is off and my upper body is exposed. On instinct, I use my arms to cover my chest, shying away.

He doesn't let me as he pries my arms away. A low hungry sound rips from his throat.

"Don't." He tells me. "Don't ever cover yourself up. You can't be embarrassed when you're with me, okay? You have no idea how breathtaking you are."

I can only nod. He tastes my skin, traveling from my neck all the way to the curve of my breasts, simply hidden by my bra. I gasp at his kisses, craving for more. He pauses, his lips hovering over my chest and looks up to me, asking me for permission.

I nod again. He reaches around for the clasp of my bra and unfastens it.

"Beautiful," His eyes rake over me, "Absolutely beautiful."

My fingers wrap around the base of his neck and closes the remaining space between our mouths.

Caden's kisses are doing sensational things to me and I can't help but whisper his name repeatedly. Every time we take off a piece of clothing, Caden asks me through his eyes in a silent permission, to which I always nod.

The rest of our clothes end up in a pile on the floor. The moment our bodies are bare and heated with one another, a sense of wildness washes over me. I deepen Caden's kiss, telling him I wanted this through my own kisses.

Caden slightly pulls away and frowns, "Are you sure you want this?"

"Geez Caden," I roll my eyes. "Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"I'm just making sure," He grins and then reaches into the pocket of his jeans, which was on the floor. He reveals a foil packet.

"Well, aren't you prepared."

"I wasn't going to let this happen without protection." He says, like it's so obvious.

I laugh and peck him on the lips. "I hope you're okay with this."

"Why the fuck would I not be okay with this?" His hand trembles against my flushed face.

"Well...I never told anyone this, but I haven't done it before."

The moment those words left my mouth, Caden lifts his head with a shocked expression on his face, "You're...a virgin?" He says slowly, loosing confidence.

My cheeks grow red, "I'm sure you've been with plenty of virgins before."

"I actually haven't."

"What?" I say, a little shocked, "You've hooked up with so many girls and you've never taken away someone's virginity?"

He chuckles, "'No, I actually haven't slept with a virgin before. Don't act so surprised I'm not a sex maniac..." He chuckles and plays with my hair, "Then...I guess you can call this my first time too."

"You're okay with that?" I ask him.

"I'm okay with you if you're okay with me," He says lowly, "I know I've um, done a lot of bad things in the past and if you want out right now, I completely understand."

I pull him closer and press a light kiss on his lips. "Caden, I don't care about your past. I still want you, I still want this."

He closes his eyes like what I just said was the confirmation he needed. His eyes flutter open, and he drops his head letting our noses touch.

"I may have given myself away to my first, and more after that, but I swear Slovan, on everything, that you will be my last."

I smile, "Good. Because you'll be mine too."

Somehow sensing my nervousness, Caden's next kiss is gentle and sweet. I sigh against his lips, feeling my worry slowly leave my body.

I hear the crackle of foil and I hold my breath. He looks down at me again with doubt on his face. I know he's going to ask me if I want this again, and I don't know how to get it through his head that this is all I'll ever want.

"It's okay." I whisper, reaching up to touch his face, a small smile forming on my face. He relaxes under my touch. "Caden. It's okay."

His breath falter, his entire expression crumbling. "Tell me to stop. Tell me before this gets any further."

"Like hell I want you to stop."

A low rumble vibrates from his throat after hearing my response, "You have no idea what I want to do to you right now."

I tug him back to me so our gazes level with each other. My eyes challenge his.

"Then, do it."

"Fuck." A pleased groan rumbles from his throat, "Best goddamn words I've heard all day."

I cling onto his shoulder, my fingers roaming over his back, clawing at it as he presses against me.

I felt pain at first but after a while, Caden slowly eases, and then the pleasure washes over me. Next thing I know I'm gasping for breath, chanting his name over and over, and he does the same with mine.

We're melting, entangling, colliding like we can't get close enough to each other. It's like the past few months have finally dawned on us and we're grasping for each other, needing and desiring.

To feel and to love.

Sweat shine on our skin as we familiarize ourselves with each other. Caden and I mold together, clumsy, uncoordinated, passionate and hard. I reach forward to kiss him but my lips fall open as his pace quickens.

"Please," I beg, "Don't stop."

He moans at my words and his moan broke the last amount of control I have left as I let myself spiral into bliss.


YUM YUM... how was this chapter y'all. Hope you guys enjoyed and got your holy water with you because this was one hell of a chapter. THaNk YoU for reading , sending my love like always :DDD

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