Chapter 3: Stuck

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"Help me out here?" I hear Harper from her art room.

I quickly rush out of the kitchen, thinking the worst, and I was obviously correct.

"Harper! Don't move!" I tell her before she does anything. Harper was carrying her huge canvas horizontally, which could easily make a hole into the walls if she weren't careful. I hold out my arms and she slowly gives me the canvas (which was extremely heavy, I felt my arms pull out of its sockets).

"There that wasn't so hard was it?" she claps her hands together when the canvas was thrown onto me. I groan in frustration.

"Yeah, for you! Help me out here!" I shout and she looks as though she just realized I was still there.

"Yes, sorry." She apologizes. We manage to get the painting out of the room and lean it against the doorway so she could easily take the canvas to campus.

"Now we're done." I wipe my forehead and she laughs tiredly.

"Oh! That reminds me! Did you get the chance to see Caden? Martha called me and told me that he's back." She says.

"Yeah, I met him. He's friends with Isaac and is in my English and  Math class." I say and she squeals.

"He is so hot right? I mean you don't have to say it because your so sensitive about your relationshi-" I put my hand out in front of her and give her a smirk.

"He's the hottest man I've ever seen." I say and she laughs, giving me a hug.

"Now that's my best friend. Let loose a little. It's okay to think other guys are good looking while your dating, as long as you wouldn't go for that person. That's the real problem." She says with a finger in the air. I bite her finger and she squeals.

"Whatever. I have to go practice dance because my teacher thought it would be okay to let us know that we have a dance to create by the end of the year, while my other subjects are feeding me with more and more homework and assignments."

"But dance is fun. It's like a let loose class, something you really need. For some reason you have life planned out for you, but for me, I go wherever life takes me." She winks and I shove her playfully.

"I made sandwiches." I tell her and she grins.

"Great, I'm starving. I've been locked in my art room the whole day." She says and I smile.

"Good thing it's worth it." I smile at her and she nods.



Feel the beat.

Move to the rhythm.

And spin.

Creating a choreography is one of the toughest things of being a dancer. Sure, follow the teacher's steps and you've got yourself a dance. But, if I want to make a living with dance, I need to be able to create my own.

I've done it many times before, but I had the perfect music selected for my performance. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of great music, but nothing is really hitting me with the feeling of 'That's the one!'

I sigh once again as I decide against another song.

Knowing that choosing a song was going to be impossible at the moment I decide to free style, my favorite thing to do. Feel the beat and you could do whatever you want because no one is watching you.

I let the music fill the room and I take a deep breath, something I usually do before I let myself be swept away with the rhythm.

One step at a time, I feel my arms rise and fall. I close my eyes as I move, it helps me go deeper into the music. Be the music.

I feel time pass as I dance and once the playlist ends I hear clapping from the doorway.

"Beautiful." Harper claps, along with Zeke right beside her. I feel myself heat up from embarrassment but come close to them anyway.

Well not too close, I wouldn't want them to smell me.

"You are such a great dancer, it's like perfect. You're perfect." Zeke says and I blush.

"Aww are you blushing!" Harper gushes and I roll my eyes. Of course it's always Harper to call me out.

"Shut up. Compliments are nice." I say and pretend to brush off my shoulders to which they chuckle.

"Well, I'm going to another party today! I honestly don't know if I'll make it back home." Harper says and I nod knowingly.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I tease her and she rolls her eyes.

"Honestly, do you expect me to just dance for the whole night?" She says and I nod.

"That seems like a great night." Zeke agrees.

"Well, you guys do that, I'm gone. " Harper blows a kiss towards me and gives Zeke a small hug.

Once I hear the door shut I take a deep breath and I stop midway to laugh when I realize Zeke was doing the same thing.

"She has a huge presence." He says and I nod.

"So what's up? What happened to not getting to see me because of your project?"

"I'll get started on it tomorrow. I felt like seeing you today." He says and I smile softly.

I wasn't facing him but I know he saw me from the mirror.

"Let's dance." I suggest, "Trust me, it helps with stress."

He shrugs nervously and I giggle. I bring him over to the middle of the room and we stand in front of the mirror. We were both around the same height, but he was a little taller than me. I turn to face him and he looks at me with a worried look.

I quickly run over to turn on some sweet music. I run back to him and grab his hands to wrap around my waist. I shiver as I was in a crop top, leaving him to hold onto my bare skin. He takes notice and smiles.

"Are you cold?" He asks and I shake my head.

I guess I was the only one who realized this is literally the closest we've ever been.

I wrap my arms around his neck and we look at each other straight in the eye.

"Follow my steps." I say and move forward and back. I soon decide to loosen up a bit as I start to shake my hips a little at the groovy beats.

Zeke chuckles and starts to follow my lead as he starts to feel the beat. He shifts his body side to side. I push him away to the other side of the room and he looks at me with a curious expression. I start dancing as though I was at a party, moving my arms around and shifting my feet.

I grin at him as he does the same and we continue to dance around until we couldn't breath. We both start laughing at our ridiculous dance moves.

After a while, I shut off the music and sit on the ground. Zeke sits beside me and we look at each other in the mirror again.

"How did we get together again?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah, it seems like forever ago. I was alone at a library and I had the habit of writing messages on the desk because I liked the idea of being pen pals." I say with a gentle smile.

"And the next day I found it and decided to continue it. We kept messaging each other until you bumped into me as I was writing there. Never stopped talking ever since."

"Yep. Look at us now. Dating and struggling with school. I swear, school is forever going to be a constant in our lives." I say and he nods.

"I hate school."


"But I like you."

"I like you too."


How was this chapter guys? This was more of just a filler chapter because you want something in between before shit starts happening ;) I love y'all and sincerely thank you for continuing to read this book :D

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