Chapter 39: Breaks

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Caden's POV

I made a mistake.

It's all I can think of as I work with these customers. I work as the cashier and Tia gives out the food beside me. This was the exact place where Slovan had spotted me trying to steal from a woman.

I can't stop thinking about her and I honestly think this is unhealthy.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I give Tia a look. She nods and takes over my spot.

One look at the phone screen and all I feel is dread. Of course, of all times.

"Hello?" I say and hear music coming from the other end.

"Hey babe." Maya purrs into the phone, "There's a party at Drake's house, you want to come? It's at 8 like you better come. I'm helping to set this place up. I want you to congratulate me and pat me on the head like you always do."

She whines and I sigh, "Yeah sure." Slov's image comes into my head and I can't help but feel like drinking my sorrows tonight. "I'll see you."

"Great! See you!" She hangs up and I turn off my phone.


After working for around 5 hours I can't help but feel accomplished. I also couldn't help but feel like Tia and her mom were almost like a second family. Tia was like an annoying sister and her mom was really nice and playful with me. It was a good day.

But as I walk in this dark night from my house to Drake's, I was already feeling sick to my stomach. Because walking meant to think, and to think means Slov. What was she even doing now?

If I were her I would want to escape. And where would that be? To her father's place of course. I hope it went well if that's what happened.

I walk in through the door and hear the loud thumps of music. Drunk people were dancing and couples were making out. I used to love this environment, with people not caring about anything and just letting it all go.

Now I just find it sad.

"Hey Caden!" A guy shouts from the kitchen. I look over and immediately grin.

"Isaac!" I walk over and pat his back, "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Come over again?"

"Once you stop stealing."

"I've stopped. I'm actually working now, I started today."

"Damn boy. Are you growing up?" He wipes under his eye as if there were a tear and I shove him off his stool.

"Shut up. I'm going up to see Maya." I say and Isaac nods.

I leave him and start walking up the stairs. She texted me the room she's in so I don't have to walk in on other couples. Once I reach the door, I open it to see Maya along with our other friends. It was our troublemaker group.

We'd always go to parties and start some trouble as we'd play truth or dare. But it was more like dare or dare since none of us liked to back down.

They were all in a circle, I'm assuming to play dare or dare, and I notice Maya look up and meet my eyes.

"Babe!" She shouts and gets up to grab my hands. She pulls me down into the circle and everyone starts laughing or smiling at me.

It's been a while since I've been to a party. The reason is, you guessed it, because of Slov and her annoying ass.

That was meant as a joke but now I can't get the picture of her ass out of my head.

I groan as Maya playfully pushes me. "It's been too long." She purrs into my ear and I nod.

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