Chapter 53: Downtown San Francisco

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"Okay, did you search that shit up?" I ask Sean, who is sitting beside me in the passenger seat.

It's been over two hours since we left my apartment. I remember how in the beginning it took a while until Sean finally stopped mumbling to himself, which I am very grateful for, as he was starting to freak out.

"Yeah, okay, so there is this hotel that is famous for holding the members of the North gang, which is the gang that has taken Caden. I have no idea how the hell we're going to do this. We need a plan."

"Well figure it out because I have no idea how this works. So what if we find gang members, what's next?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Okay...this is going to be impossible if it's just us two. The only way we may have a chance to get through this is by being stealthy throughout the whole thing. We just can't get spotted, but in order to do that we need to be very aware of the place."

"Great. Now what? Do you have any friends in San Francisco?" I ask, already getting annoyed at the fact that this whole mission seemed impossible.

"Nope." He says calmly and I glare at him. He can't help but let out a chuckle.

"Okay, so how about we just go to the hotel and ask the staff where the hell the gang might be, like their den or whatever it's called. Then we 'stealthily' make our way through the den and find out where they kept Caden. Easy as shit." I grip the steering wheel and he notices my nervousness. He moves his hand over and squeezes my shoulder. He sighs again.

"You didn't have to come."

"And let you do this alone? With literally no plan? We can't even do this with just us two. If whatever your saying is true, you know that we might not even make it out alive. This 'North gang' is known to be lethal, you know that right?"

He frowns and nods, "Okay, then don't we need weapons?"

"You say that now?"

"I mean..."

"Okay, just tell me where I should go." I say and he shrugs.

"Let's just head to hotel Sans and figure it out from there." He nods and I nod back. His hand raises from my shoulder and reaches over to turn on the radio.

We continue to ride there with 'The Neighborhood' playing from the speakers.


I pull my long coat closer to my chest as me and Sean walk through the popular hotel. Crowds were filling the hotel and it was as busy as ever.

I look around and notice the different groups of people or workers walking around frantically. When you look up you can notice a beautiful large chandelier that made the whole front lobby gleam in golden light. Everything was just shining bright and golden. It seemed like a nice and exciting place.

Sean places his hand on my back and gives me an apologetic smile.

"I need to go to the washroom." He says and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, go ahead. It was a long drive. I'll wait over there." I point over to the couches that were probably for guests to socialize.

He nods and makes his way to the washroom. I walk over to the couch with voices surrounding me.

"How are you? It's been so long. Let's have a nice vacation."

"I heard there's a great ice cream parlor around here."

"This place is gorgeous. Good choice Maria. We'll be having a great night tonight, if you know what I mean."

I roll my eyes at the last comment I hear, until my ears perk up at the sound of a familiar voice.

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