Chapter 57: Sucker Punch

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"Do you think your self defense classes are enough to handle this situation?"

"Only one way to find out." I reply to Caden as we both step out.

We were able to stealth around the first two groups of men. They were all stuck in their own conversations and we managed to sneak behind them quietly. We hid behind the different stacks of boxes which were a few meters away from them. I was scared out of my wits because I knew that if we were caught, we were going to be so screwed.

"Do you think I could act flirty and get myself out of here?" I whisper and Caden looks at me concerned.

"Sorry babe. I know I always think you're beautiful, but you aren't really at your finest moment right now, especially for the other men." He says and I roll my eyes. I look down at myself and take in that I'm literally barefoot. My jeans and shirt are filled with a bunch of gray smudges, probably from the dirty floor.

"Your face has some too." He starts to wipe them off until someone ends up walking by and catching us. Great.

"There are two escapees!" A gang member shouts and points at us. I hear a bunch of running footsteps and I knew that we had to find a way to escape. Caden gets up and I follow suit as we both end up dashing away from the boxes.

There was a front desk and behind it was a bunch of shelves that contained many bags or clothes. I spotted my shoes and socks, along with Caden's bag.

"Go! I'll distract." He tells me and I quickly dodge and hide. The desk was empty as the person who was managing it probably ran off to catch Caden. I hear all the footsteps fade and I stand up quickly to grab our stuff. I instantly put on my shoes and shrug his bag over my shoulder. I start running off in the direction that they all went to find Caden.

I notice how it was really quiet and I hide behind the first wall I could find. I look to the ground and find a gun that had probably been thrown away. I have no idea why, but hey, this was pretty convenient. I should really thank the person that left it there. I pick up the gun and was pleased to find that there was already ammo in it.

"There he is!-EUFF" I hear a member get strangled and I could only assume that Caden was responsible.

I peak out from the wall and find exactly what I thought. Except a whole lot more. Caden was strangling the guard but since I was afar I was able to spot all the other guards with their guns out, ready to shoot. Shaking with fear, I point my gun to the first member who seemed very ready to shoot. Taking aim at his hip, I pull the trigger and-


The guy was down.

"The girl! The girl!" Everyone was shouting frantically. I take my next aim and shoot another guy, helping Caden take cover and not expose himself too much.




All my shots were going according to plan and I manage to shoot all the threatening members. I walk away from the wall and run over to where I saw Caden last. I find him holding onto his shoulder and I realize that he was shot.

"Oh my god. Are you good? Can you walk?" I ask fearfully and he nods, but his breathing was heavy.

"Self defense really taught you good." He says with a chuckle. I can't help but let out a small smile.

"Yeah, you bet." I reply and sling his arm over my shoulder. We start to walk out of the the room and open the next door. No one was there, thankfully, and we found a balcony where we can see the whole bottom floor. There was also a huge magnificent chandelier and large door at the bottom of the long two sided staircase, which were at the ends of the balcony. We make our way down the stairs to reach the main entrance, so we can get the hell out of here.

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