Make Way for the New

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I got off of work quite dramatically after a power outage. The wind had been crazy since the night before. (won't lie, completely expected to be dead the next morning but sleep seemed to outweigh any possibility of death so I hadn't bother with taking shelter) The lines were down so I had to borrow Kelly's phone to call one of my parents to pick me up. Of course, neither of them answered and I drained Kelly's phone life to the ten-percent range. With no car and on no real good terms with anyone (yes, even Kelly) I took it upon myself to walk home. In the 60mph winds. This was, of course, a fantastic idea. 

The sky was already dark as I walked on a sidewalk by the major highway that ran in front of my house. The wind seemed to have finally calmed down before unexpectedly throwing my hat off my head and into oncoming traffic. I froze for a moment feeling as though my hair had been blown right off me as the warmth and shelter from the cold air had vanished. Of course, this didn't last long before I spun around and saw my hat bounce off a speeding car and be run over by another. It was painful to watch. But what was I suppose to do exactly? Cars kept coming. It was dark. The weather was aggressive to say the least. So I just stood there in the dark, not wanting to litter unintentionally but also not wanting to die. My dilemma. Do I "break" the law? Or do I risk my life for the "law"?

Being the guilty conscious idiot that I was I thought to myself "If you leave now you won't sleep at night and your life will be miserable, but if you grab it, even if you die you'll die in peace knowing you didn't break any laws." Of course, I continued this argument with myself. "But if you try to get your hat and you do die will the consequences be better than if you had just left the hat?" Obviously not, but my dumb brain kept on debating with itself as I stood in the freezing cold staring out onto the highway blindly. I probably would have stayed out there longer if not for the sudden sense of dread. (however seeing my hat "safely" out of any cars way helped a bit as well)

The dread was a strange thing. A sudden spike of adrenaline and fear that seemed to build with every gust of wind. Normally I never walked home from work, especially at night. It was probably just that. The jitters from the weather and having to brave the night alone. This calmed me a bit as I closed in on my neighborhood. There's this construction site along the road I was turning on. Everything that used to be there had been torn down, except for an old bowling sign advertising a now nonexistent bowling ally. Even in the darkness, I saw the sign shake violently in the wind. I excepted death as I continued walking towards it. The wind calmed again as I got another sense of dread. It was going to pick up. Stronger than before. 

Of course, I ignored this feeling and continued down the path I had been set on. (with the exception of increasing my speed of course) Normally I liked being right, but this wasn't one of those times. I heard the wind rise behind me, whipping through trees and thrashing the sides of buildings. I heard something break, and my soul exits my body. I turn my face to the sign in a warped sense of time. I saw it unhinge from its post as it moved quite fast in my direction. This observation of its speed was alas also warped as everything seemed both speed up and in slow motion. 


Author Note:

Yes, I am well aware of the length of these chapters. (and the fact that I literally JUST posted one a half hour ago)

However with the length, as it is, I SHOULD be able to update every day. 

(keyword: SHOULD) ;-)

And like any real-life event or discovery of something, it happens slowly then all at once, so to those who were hoping to know exactly what was happening from the get-go. 

sorry, not sorry. 

(Also I lowkey have no idea what's happening so why should you be any different?)

Comments and suggestions are always welcomed as this story is similar to an open face sandwich. (Don't ask what I meant. I can't translate genius....... or madness...)

Till we meet again!!! <3

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