Gotta be Extra

7 3 1

I stood quickly in the great hall trying my best to keep my eyes focus on the throne, or more specifically the person sitting in it. Taking a breath I cleared as much stress as I could, going to such lengths of even excepting death. (Which was surprisingly easy with feeling more in a dream than ever before.) 

"Guardian," the Empress began "What has called you back?" 

I blinked confusedly, before realizing she was addressing me. "Oh," I said in realization before saying gravely, "Yes." 

"I, uh..." What was I suppose to do? Lie? Play along? Maybe that's how I can get out of here.

"I awoke with the sound of cries in the east, so I rose and took with me my trusted... thing." I could feel the rising cringe. It's fine Charlotte! You can save it!

"a 'thing' you say?" the Empress spoke gravely, I could tell she was suspicious and irritated.

"Yes, your awesomeness, I  took with me something I trust with all my life. However, this language we speak is still unfamiliar to me, so I have no idea what to call it..." ehh its an ok save.

"So cries brought you from the west to the east." She probed carefully with her words. 

I nodded slowly, still processing whether she was right or not... "Yes?" an answer that looked more like a question.

I could see her eyes roll ever so slightly before looking back at me. "Very well, you may leave."

"This hall or this place?" I asked quickly with hope even though I already knew the answer. Her expression changed suddenly. She was furious. She had only been slightly annoyed just moments ago but now she was raging. I didn't move, keeping my eyes steady again. I could see her eyes twitch slightly before she said through her teeth, "THIS. HALL." 

I nodded, about to back out of the room. But there was someone behind me. Having my eyes still on the queen I realized that she hadn't seen the person either, but it was too late. A sword was drawn. I was pulled back with a sword held to my throat. The Empress rose in a fury.

"Heh." I let out a short awkward laugh, with a quick inhale. I was pulled back more, forcing me to stand on my toes. The sword came closer. The Empress froze.

"Long time no see." 

The voice was hushed and friendly behind me before suddenly adopting a powerful cold tone. 

"I apologize for the intrusion, your majesty. But it seems that you have stumbled upon another imposter who wishes to take advantage of your great kindness." 

"And who are you to say this while threatening me?" She raised an eyebrow, her face stiff and ugly. I became aware of the person holding me captive holing something up with their left hand. The Empress' face softens unexpectedly. She retook her seat breaking the silence again, "And the possibility of this girl being a guardian has been examined properly?" 

"Yes, although unsure of her true identity we have uncovered evidence of her role in a future assassination of-" They cut themselves off for effect, I could tell it was all in order to make the Empress unreasonable. And it was working. "Very well! Do away with her the same as deserters!"

"I take your command to heart." I felt a nudge in my back as they said this. "Me? Assinate someone?" The sword was removed as I was dragged out by two figures in black, the second only appearing recently, "No! no how could you know about..." I shook my head frantically, even thrashing a bit to show some effort to escape. "You can't kill me?! No please! Don't do this!" I was already out of the great hall, the whole way seeing the Empress' smug face. I burst into a sob of words that made no real sense.

("and I was going to save the cake, but I got to where I hid it, but it was gone. All gone." <- an example of whatever random thing popped straight from my head to my voice)



yes yes I know I didn't update yesterday! In my defense I completely forgot... yeah that's it...

Anyways this sence was kinda rushed cause I gotta sleep but I wanted to write so I wrote and now I'm done. lol


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