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"How do we know that she really is the wolf-slayer?" Marc eyed me before leaving in a huff, brushing past me on his way. As I stared after him I nearly forgot that I was supposed to follow. I glanced at Silver briefly as I jogged out of the room after Marc. He was speed walking as the wind picked up through the corridors again. "Has this ever happened before?" I asked subconsciously getting closer to the walls. Marc was dead silent. I peered in front of him, "So, no?" Silence again. I rolled my eyes, keeping pace with him. 

The wind became more and more frequent until it was howling, sending the passage into darkness. When this happened the hairs on the back of my neck stubbornly stood up. I stood close behind Marc despite myself. Hopefully, whatever it was, would eat him first. There was silence. The wind had fallen flat before a low growl filled the air in front of us. Marc turned slightly over his shoulders at me, "The exit is up ahead. Let's see if you're the real deal." he whispered before running blindly into the darkness. I could hear the growls turn to snarls and howls as they lunged at him in the dark. I shifted my foot in front of me before freezing. I felt terrified, my hands shaking. I couldn't see a thing and had no means to defend myself. Feeling my eyes go wild I managed a shaking breath trying to summon my courage. 

It seemed to have worked. Closing my eyes, despite it being too dark to tell if they were even opened, I took another long breath. The calm was back. Opening my eyes slowly I saw the glowing eyes in the dark staring at me growling, but I was surrounded by the familiar blue aura. A childish grin slowly grew on my face as their growls grew louder and more hostile. One finally lunge at me. I turned my body to the side allowing it to miss me. As it landed another one tried to jump on me. Blocking it with only my forearm I tossed it to the side like those bean toss bags. The wolves seemed to retreat a couple steps, before ultimately standing their ground. Not thinking anymore I advanced towards them in an effort to make them retreat. Growling again, I could tell a couple had run off before another one lunged at me. This time Marc had managed to grab ahold and yank the giant wolf hard onto it's back, sending it whimpering away. A howl filled the air sending the rest of the giant wolves packing. Something wasn't right, I thought to myself as the calm began to disperse. They weren't scared of me this time, they... Why did they leave? I could hear Marc moving around in the dark before he finally managed to light a torch. As the light shined on our surroundings I remembered a very tiny crucial detail. Turning to face Marc, I asked,

"What was Minnie doing again?"



I feel like I only write these Author notes to complain about being tired and needing sleep or to eat... but I'm honestly such a boring human I don't know what else to talk about... 

I'm tired, yay. I gotta finish my essay, study French and Japanese, while also prepping for the SATs on May 5th... Alright, I'm done! 


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