Back to Reality?

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I felt its presence only moments before I knew I had made contact. I pushed it away, knowing where it was after being in the dark for so long. It growled and I heard it lunge at me again. I put up my arm to push it away again. This time it didn't make contact, at least not with my arm. It embedded its teeth into my sore ankle, finding the teeth marks from its kind. I feel back as it pulled at me painfully. 

But I kept falling back.

The pain kept growing more intense.

As I fell into the darkness, I screamed.

But I couldn't hear anything.

I sat up in a cold sweat. The pain more real than ever. I looked around, in a hurry to distract myself as well as get a feel for my surroundings. This time the darkness wasn't completely silent. Crickets and cicadas. Even the darkness wasn't completely dark, and with a warm glow, I began to realize where I was. In a tent. On a cot, under a scratchy blanket. I came to the conclusion that the warm glow was a fire on the outside of the tent, across from where I sat. There were some revolutionary vibes to my surroundings. 

"Didn't mustache kill me? Why would he shoot me then-" I emphasized with my hand swinging them to the left, tilting my head "-take me back to their camp... I think?" 

Feeling a twist of pain again, I decided to actually check out my injury. (or boo-boo as I am slowly getting more and more crazed) Pulling aside the scratchy wool-like blanket I see my bandaged up ankle. "Curiouser and curiouser..." I said as I covered it back with the banket. 

"So... Mustache shot me then brought me back to camp then bandaged me up OR Mustache shot me and another group found me..." My head was starting to hurt with all this confusion as more and more possibilities began to present themselves. Finally, I laid back down giving up for a moment. Staring at the top of the tent in silence, watching light from the fire flicker off the tarp. After what felt like ten minutes I heard more of that strange language. It was coming from outside the tent and moving closer. I felt awkward. What should I do? Exploring the ideas of faking sleep, hiding and screaming, I finally decided upon just staying awake and sitting up. 

I mean, what's the worse they can do?



^famous last words^

I wish I could have written more today but, ya know, life... yeah

Writing once a day is still pretty good so I'm not too worried with this story's progression, but we shall see!

Suggestions are always welcomed (as this is still a very open sandwich story)


Q. Is this a dream that Charlie (our MC) is experiencing?

A. No, well, for the most part? The stuff with the wolf in the darkness was a dream but what's happening right now is all real.

-end of Q&A-

See ya tomorrow! :D

Reality of DaydreamsWhere stories live. Discover now