Friend or Foe

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A girl around Cyrus' age was peering down at me over the box. I quickly put my finger to my mouth, secretly hoping she would know what it meant. She mimicked me and nodded. It took a moment for me to nod back at her. I gestured to the uniform I had been trying to grab, understanding she pushed it over my face. Good enough. Pulling it off my face I noticed that the girl had disappeared. I felt a sense of threat from her sudden vanishing but had ultimately busied myself with putting the uniform on before the boxes were taken away, which would reveal my hiding spot. 

Unfortunately, what I had thought to be a full uniform was only half, the jacket. Once I had it on I began my army crawl to freedom again. Except I still had no idea where I was going. Well kinda. I had noticed significant shade in the direction I was crawling so I assumed there was some patch of trees that I could hide in and- go somewhere? I don't know. I kept crawling though, finally making my way over to the corner of the tent. (It had been extremely difficult with the stiff uniform restricting my arm movement significantly) I leaned against a box for a moment, catching my breath silently. Since I was no longer parallel to the ground my ankle began to bother me again. I began to feel nauseous, similar to how one might feel after completely exerting themselves in a sport with nothing in their stomach. I shut my eyes for a moment trying to slow my heartbeat which for some reason was now racing. After a while, something tickled between my eyebrows. I opened my eyes, looking up with a start. It was that girl again, but it had taken me a scary moment to recognize it was her and not a person of threat. I let out a staggered breath, looking back at her with a dazed smile. She smiled back nodding at the uniform jacket. I looked down at it, and at that very moment, some trousers were tossed onto my head. I shook them off and looked back up at her, now covering her mouth laughing at me. I shrugged as I began to look for the right way to put the pants on over my sweats. Once I had found it a loud booming voice came from the entrance of the tent causing me to fall over in shock. The little girl wasn't by the boxes anymore, but I could hear her voice a ways away. After laying on the wet earth for some time I decided it was fine and began again with the pants. When it came time to slid my now swollen ankle through the pant holes I held my breath. Luckily the pants were a bit loose around the legs or else it would have been exponentially more painful than it was. Now not a moments more could be wasted. I reached for the underside of the tarp, pulling away from it slowly. Once it was what I thought to be big enough for me to escape through I got on my belly ready to finish my army crawl to freedom.



I feel like my chapters are getting longer (or maybe just more wordy than usual... idk) or maybe that's just me...

Right now I am on spring break, meaning I have no classes this entire week. (I know I know, It's awesome)

Apparently, a UFO was spotted today so that was kinda freaky, but you know us humans are always scared of what we don't understand so I think it's just inevitable that something like this would happen.

Besides my chapters getting a tiny bit longer I also update a tiny bit later (alot if you still haven't fixed your clocks :p )

Goodnight and see ya tomorrow :D

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