Another Bad Idea

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There was a disturbance in the water as something closed around my wrist. I jolted my arm back automatically, but it kept hold, closing its grip tighter. A blurred shape was above me, breaking the surface of the water. I felt a rush of water past me as I was suddenly thrown into a coughing fit, my lungs on fire. I felt like an injured animal crouching back and trying to kill with eyes. I probably looked incredibly stupid, as I had gone limp shortly after losing the little amount of energy I had left. Now I consider myself weaker than your average human but it didn't help being right about it. It's not like I had a disease or problem that I can blame for being so weak, really I could only blame my laziness when it came to any and all forms of exercise. Why am I talking about this? Oh right. I'm stupid weak. Moving on.

I awoke propped up against a tree. It was either almost nightfall or nearing sunrise. A body of water was before me. I felt a sense of panic as I jumped to my feet with a somewhat crazed smile. I broke the silence with a short "Ha" 

"What?!" I nearly yelled in the distorted reality. Turning back to the tree and starting to pace I practically chanted "ok" trying to calm myself. Working through what had happened I finally entered a strange sense of calm. I mean, I'm not dead. I think. I looked down at my now completely dry sweats, noticing my bare feet. "Right, First-"

A snap nearby caused me to forget how that sentence ended. I backed up to the edge of the lake (or ocean; there was a strange fog that didn't let me see as far as I wished to), stepping on a patch of loose dirt I felt myself slide backwards. 

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap...

Grabbing something that could have been a snake, but hoping it was just an exposed root, I shifted my weight crashing my shoulder into the side of the dirt wall along the side of the water. Not wanting to slip I dug my toes into the soft mud, trying my best to suppress my disgust and fear of insects. Thankfully the snake was just a root. I began trying to climb back to the cleaner surface. Reaching for a clump of rocks, I had thankfully not slipped on, I froze. Something was up there. Listening didn't yield many results until it started speaking. Not English. Now all that was left to do was make a choice. Stay down here in the insect-infested swamp or go up there and possibly die. Biting my lower lip, I solidified my grip on the ridged clump of stone. 

"Might as well."



^learned that from reading @Koala_of_Light 's "Kingdom of Light"^

It seems that I won't stop writing this story anytime soon despite the impending doom of school and having to update "Shattered Glass" on @Tiger_TwinzZ tonight!!! 

^Shameless plug^

Once again, whether or not I update again today all depends on my daydreams and burst of inspiration, aka don't hold your breath...

See ya! ^^

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