Rising Doubts from Apparent Hope

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I jumped to my feet despite my tiredness "But you-" I stuttered blinking rapidly at the unbelievable situation, "you grew up?" She tilted her head slightly as though she thought I transcended disbelief more than her, "and you didn't?" she asked. There was an uncomfortable frown on her face. A sudden heaviness had drifted through the air. Silence.

"Wait," I began trying to break the spell, "Why did you guys save me?" Minnie visibly shrunk back from the question, while the guy by the tree pushed off from it walking forward. Stopping next to Minnie, standing in front of me he dismissed the question, "It's too long. You'll find out later." I could sense a hint of annoyance from his intonation as well as urgency. "Ookay..?" I said under my breath, frowning. "If you've caught your breath we better keep moving." He said turning away from both Minnie and me. "Why are we going so quickly?" I asked suddenly confused, "Nobody is after us. The Empress thinks I'm a fake being punished."

"Sorry, but are you stupid?" He spun around, the annoyance rising in his voice to a more obvious level. "I merely don't understand my current situation and don't want to continue being misinformed or mislead! The only reason we would be moving so quickly is a flaw in the plan, don't get me wrong I'm thankful that both of you helped me but I'm tired of being that cargo constantly trading hands and being luge around!" I said in rapid-fire aggravated at what I thought an attempt to take advantage of my good nature, "So tell me, ever so briefly, what that flaw could be?" My arms were to my side as I asked in mocking sweetness. The boy that had snapped at me moments ago merely shrugged, "Too many holes, she just needs to look at one long enough to destroy everything." Looking up at me knowing what my next question would be automatically said: "Again, too long you'll find out later." 

After that fun exchange of words, I began to have my doubts. First Minnie looked seven last I saw her but now she looked around fourteen maybe older. Also, that name, Wolf-Slayer, keeps popping up. I was able to scare those wolves from earlier away so I kinda get it but how did the chief, Empress, or even Minnie figure it out? I sort of understand the Empress getting it, but not the other two. There was also that uneasiness that set me off, why back off from a question of motives unless they were bad or shameful in some way. With every hop over the thick greenery and near face plant after tripping over an exposed root, I kept my eyes on the two. Maybe it was just paranoia from past experiences but I felt that I couldn't trust them. Not yet at least.


Everyone forever gone, lost, and broken. 

All because of what you did. What you didn't do, you couldn't do.

Excuses. That's all you have to answer for the lives they gave.

A waste of a life in order to save you.



Ok, I'm making good on my promise to write every night before bed. (the promise is mostly for me since not many benefits from it... lol)

Lucky for me tomorrow is Saturday so, hopefully, I'll get enough sleep tonight.

BTW I'm very happy to finally be in a position to explore the story and characters more! (Previous parts of this story relied mainly on Charlotte and her experiences but I've been slowly adding tidbits of another story... but whose? lol I bet you already know)

Anyway night peeps!

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