A Mini-Reunion

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"You can shut up now." She hissed behind me as she directed me farther away, the other figure in black in front. I nodded as I suddenly became embarrassed at all my blabbering, while trying to reassure myself that it would have been rightfully due if I, in fact, was being sentenced to death. I paused, stopping for only a moment before being pushed forward again. 

What if I am being taken to my death? In what way has this group gained my trust? And what was with the "nice to see you again," does she know me..? OR WAS THAT A TRICK TOO?! 

Now my eyes were wide as I scanned where I was being taken. Exiting the corridors we were now moving between spaciously placed trees, staying close to the trunks as we moved towards a cement looking wall with dark colored shingles. Now underneath the wall, the girl that had been behind me the whole time moved in front of me to lead the way.

How can they trust me not to run away? No, they don't need to trust me to know that they were my only shot. But how do they know that I'm not stupid? Wait, why am I asking that? 

The figure that had been leading most of the time effortlessly scaled the wall, the girl followed suit. 

This is probably not the best time to remind them that I'm wearing a dress and haven't done any physical activity in three years... OH crap!

I tried pitifully to get a grip and steady foothold, only to trip on the hem of the dress. From above I heard a choking sound like someone was trying desperately not to laugh. I looked up frowning, trying to make it looked like I was very serious and thought he was stupid for thinking this was a laughing matter. This only fed the fire before he finally shut his trap before it got too loud. Frustrated, I tried again before a hand was finally reached out to help pull me over. Pulling on his hand more than I had to in an effort to make him fall off the wall so he could suffer a little, I finally was sitting on top of the wall before sliding off and out of the Empress' courtyard into what I hope was possible... freedom? I got De Javu.

Once over the wall, the girl lead the way through a couple back allies before coming to one last wall, which we were able to pass through quickly with the bustling crowds. There were a few moments where I had completely lost sight of both of them since they were moving so fast, but one of them always seemed to know when to pop their heads out or waved. Inconspicuously, of course. 

Out of breath after running on a couple old paths through the woods surrounding the kingdom, I slumped onto a smooth rock sticking out of the ground. The guy lead against a tree as the girl looked around for a moment.

"Oh, by the way," I began casually, "Who are you, people? 'Cause, no offense, but I don't think I've met either of you before! Also, where are we going?" The questions tumbled out as I tried to catch my breath. The girl turned back to me before moving a few steps towards me. She took off the mask covering the lower half of her face. 

"MINNIE?!" I gasped, staring at the once seven-year-old looking face.

"Hey, Wolf-Slayer." She grinned, confused at what I called her.




are probably your questions.... which I will not answer... sorry not sorry

Anyways I'm sorry that my writing has been on the fritz lately. (Skipped Easter, missed a day accidentally and wrote some, what I would consider, crappy chapters.) But, hey, just think about it as an adjustment period!

ANyways, I gotta sleep, aka listen to Dimash Kudaibergen and cry. 

(Yes, I googled the last name. SUE ME!!!) 


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