The Calm

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At some point, I wasn't falling anymore. Well, I couldn't even be sure if I had been falling. There were only a few things I knew, mostly by sight or simple feeling. The dark gray surroundings had grown brighter with a sort of hazy blue. This blue didn't seem to be an effect of my ribbon; which color had mudded a bit for some reason. The feeling of the environment was changed in some way. The light cold gray from before was now a sort of comforting heavy warm blue. by light and heavy, I mean the actual pressure surrounding my body. In both cases, I felt suspended. There was one last difference between then and now. There was something I had forgotten. That I had been doing but now couldn't. A small sort of sphear floated around and over me. It was a bubble. Reaching out to pop it, I realized I couldn't. I blinked. Was I underwater? I caught my breath, but couldn't. My lungs began to feel heavy. I was strangely calm as I felt a light grow overhead. Was I close to the surface? I thought lazily as I noticed shadows of ripples above me. The light kept growing and began eating away from the darkness, sending it deeper. I couldn't tell you how long I stared dumbly at the surface. I knew it couldn't have been long (mostly because I have always been terrible at holding my breath), but it felt like an eternity. I felt more familiar with the waters than my own home. Maybe my brain was fogging over as I used up the remaining oxygen in my body. The blackout, the wind, the sign, and even the wolves had vanished from my mind. I felt at peace, and almost ready to die. But something nagged at me. What was it? I felt my mind becoming murkier than the water around me, I knew that soon I wouldn't be able to even complete a thought. Who was it? The light above me had changed. As though a shadow was blocking it. For a moment I fought to keep my eyes open, but wondering why, closed them. Why should I fight it? 

Why should I fight? 

Why did I fight?

Why do I always fight?

I felt something hot in me. It grew, whatever it was. It was just a flutter of passion. Passion to live. My eyes shot open. The water around me seemed a rich blue. I began to swim. Tunnel vision. Only seeing the hands in front of me as I paddled. I felt the flutter leaving me as I reached out one last time. 

I began to sink.


Don't let me die...


Authors note:

Random thought: maybe I should just stop typing "authors note" cause I already have that fancy little line and the words in bold and Italic... idk mebe I'll stop at some point.

Surprised! I wrote another thing! Ha!  (there is something seriously wrong with me...)

For some reason, I got some inspiration from something so I just wanted to write some more... some-some (When you try to get to your word count) 

So what's gonna happen?

Is the MC gonna die?

Why does the MC want to live so suddenly?

Bonus Points!  (Because I don't have an answer to any of them)

Is the MC a boy or a girl? 

What is the MCs name? 

Will there always be two chapters posted every day?


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