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"What is it?" Minnie asked sitting on my messy bed as I paced the floor, kicking her blanket violently to the side. "Is this even real?" my eyes shifted to meet hers, "Are you even real?" 

Minnie tilted her head to the side, a grin was starting to appear on her face. "What?" I found myself repeating what she had said earlier. She cracked her knuckles, 

"Come here." 

"I'd rather not." 

The grin gave way to impatience. "Now."

Obeying, Minnie grabbed my arm and pinched it. I yanked my arm away in a jolt of pain. 

"OW!" I yelled as a bright red spot began to form.

"I rest my case. You should be grateful, I was going to punch you."

Covering the spot with my right hand I let out a long breath through my teeth. 

"He couldn't see you." 

Minnie let out a snort, "Why wouldn't be able to see me?"

I said nothing. 

"You can see me, can't you?" 

"No, obviously I can't see you. That's why I took you home and gave you a blanket-"

"Shut up, that's not what I meant."

This wasn't even the most pressing matter. What would happen when we got back? Would we ever get back? and what happens if we don't...

The calm wasn't coming. It felt too broken and weak. I stared down at the blue ribbon still securely attached to my right wrist. For some reason now more than ever it simply felt like just that, a blue ribbon.


With Minnie visually impaired I was able to go about the day with the reassurance that I could always see her while no one else could. Of course, this also meant I could hear her during every meal where she would basically make fun of everyone while trying to steal their food. Every time I laughed another family member started thinking I was insane.

"Why do you think only you can see me?"

We were back in my room. The sun had already set.

"I don't know, maybe you're too "stationed" in your own world that your physical form can't manifest in this one? But then how come I can see you?"

"Magic," Minnie said accompanied by jazz hands.

"Maybe you're missing something... Like how those people get teleported but aren't complete."

"Teleported? I like my excuse better."

A light bulb went off in my head, "Wait! Why did you stop yesterday? While we were walking home?"

Minnie looked confused for a second, "OH!"

"Yeah?" I tried egging her on.

"Everything was new except that."


Minnie looked down, her eyes scanning the floor, thinking. She had forgotten about it, almost completely and was now grasping at the kite string as it was being carried away by the wind. Finally, she looked up.

"I think I might have found a way home."



I have no excuse for not posting last night except that I felt tired so I hit the hay at 10:30 w/o writing a word. :D

(now it's 23:47)

I'm very happy this whole book is just the first rough draft or else I would never get anything done!

I totally get if anyone is confused while reading this story, heck I'm confused!

(The main reason is most likely that I wrote every day for almost two months and then wrote nothing for almost two months so now I'm just picking up the pieces!)


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