Fake Foliage

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In a flash of light, I remembered the sound of the gunshot. I remembered seeing the two soldiers and hearing nothing. Except this time the nothingness had been filled with a howl of pain. The wolf had been shot. Mustache hadn't intended to shoot me. In fact, he didn't. His shooting the wolf had made it dig its teeth deeper into my leg. That was why it hurt so much after the gunshot. And it kept hurting until... 

The calm.

Coming back to reality, or what little there was left of it, I peered closer at the darkened grass. There was the sign of the wolf being there but there was no wolf now. So where could it have gone? The thought of it still being out there scared me in a strange way. Like it was hunting me. I looked over the horizon which was no longer covered by fog. A small island rested a good distance away. A soft gust of wind, nothing like the harsh wind that had begun this journey, was gently brushing the hair from my face. What was I doing? Why was I here? The wolves had brought me obviously for some malicious intent, mustache had saved me and I betrayed that kindness running away. I thought I was right, only to realize I had always been wrong. The new loneliness I had brought about myself. 

I sat against the tree like I had done just a little while ago. My thoughts were dulled and not as rapid as they normally were. Everything felt slow with the rhythmic pounding of the sea. It was like this for awhile before my stomach began demonstrating its whale imitation. 

"Shut up. You think I don't have enough problems as it is?" I mouthed off to my stomach.

It growled louder in reply. I sighed leaning back against the tree trunk.

"What if I just went back to mustache and daggers... see if they'll feed me... Fred probably won't though." I chuckled slightly, closing my eyes for a moment.

I had fallen asleep in an instant.

Soft, warm sleep not interrupted by dreams. 


In a blink of time, I had awoken, not knowing how long I had been out or whether I had been awake before coming about. The sun was setting over the horizon. The warmth had passed, leaving nothing but the cold darkness in its place. The instinct of fight or flight whelmed up inside me after hearing a twig snap. I spun around getting to my feet but crouching close the ground. I was still behind the tree. Another snap sent my adrenaline pumping and my blood rushing. I was tired of this, I really was. Feeling threatened so often being chased by something. Even if it only happened once it was one too many. Yet here it was again. Taking a slow step back away from the tree my back bumped into something. "There hadn't been a tree there before..." my naive mind thought before slowly looking up at it. For a split second, I had thought I was right and that it was, in fact, a tree. But once I saw it move and felt something grab my shoulders I knew that I had done goof. I yelped as I begun thrashing about in the man's grip who, I am ashamed to say but everyone knows it, was stronger than me.



ok TECHNICALLY it is still today, so I'm not too late. (but yeah I'm pretty late, srry :p )

I want to start writing longer chapters but it seems my limit is about 500 words or else the story feels too drawn out and boring to me (if this chapter has let you down I apoligize)

Anyways, what's new with y'all? I'm stressed but that's not new so... idk

Good evening to all who find it and rest to all it finds (aka not me :P ) CIAO!

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