Mortal Again

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All of Marc's fears were forcibly pushed away and replaced with anger. Rage. He had locked his jaw, clenched his fist as he narrowly dodged his brother's flying fist. Ducking under him, he tripped back, feeling a slight ache in his ankle, before regaining his balance. Before him the sad excuse for an older brother stood, smiling. "The little munchkin actually grew up." He said with a strange sense of pride. Marc had automatically gotta in a position to fight, lowering himself to the ground with his arms at the ready. "Did you think that would always work on me?" Marc asked coldly, he had wanted to leave. Runaway. But now he was stuck and would have to fight. Despite himself, he could feel his hands begin to shake as his older brother took a step forward, laughing as if watching a newborn fawn trip all over itself. His smile dropped suddenly, "Now I'll have to kill you."

Marc's face went pale, now a mixture of horror and rage showed through his features. "Luka..." Marc finally said, addressing his brother as his face began twitching, the rage taking over.

He wasn't going to die. He can't let himself die, then who would stop his brother. Who could kill anyone at the drop of a hat, even his own brothers...

The crown prince stood relaxed, looking opened at all sides. Except he wasn't. Marc, blinded by his rage, immaturely attack. Before he knew what had happened he was lying on his back, staring up at the stars. Pushing himself up to one side he darted his eyes to where his enemy had been, except he was behind him. Blood rushing, Marc got back to his feet, staying close to the ground. His eyes caught something silver catching the moonlight. A boy around his age stood with his back to him facing Luca.


The blue light seemed to crumble and dim. I felt exposed, as though I had suddenly been deprived of any means of defense in the smoke. The safety net had been taken away. Training wheels falling off. Something was wrong if not everything. I had to find my friends. Stepping forward something held me back. I didn't turn around as claustrophobia set in. Something's eyes were on me, ready to pounce. Slowing my breath, I shifted my eyes to the side. At that moment I wasn't the wolf-slayer, the world had become more and more real. I had become mortal.

I ran.

Leaves crumbled behind me as it followed. I was running slower than before. Glancing at the blue ribbon around my wrist it felt different. Or maybe everything was different. There was no Minnie or Marc or any sense of protection. Only the prey and the predator, and the feeling of death.

There had to be something I could do to live and survive. Trying to think fast with the knowledge that the creature would soon be upon me, I grabbed at the outer pale skirt and tore the fabric between the two slits. Wringing the short fabric and twisting it into an oversized dog toy, I knotted the quickly made rope. Taking as deep of a breath as I could I grabbed hold of a branch just in reach, swinging myself without losing momentum, I faked the creature out. It skidded to a stop as I finally came eye to eye with it.



Alright so I'm on me way to a college to attend a spring formal... so I'm in the car and feeling kind of car sick, but it's fine.

Since I am now just about halfway through this book I've decided that I better start moving it along faster so expect a new twist and turn every day. (or at least till the final quarter of the book...)

And I am aware that I didn't post yesterday but no worries, I plan on making up for it later on today ;)

see ya!

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