Careless Boredom and Fearful Courage

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Feeling the key to my cuffed hands still in my pocket I felt a sense of relief which only spurred on my easy going manner. Which may or may not have lead me to break a couple things in the room, accidentally of course. Finishing the rounds I noted the number of apparent windows. They were more like thin sheets of paper than tradition windows as I have known them. Listening as I walked around I noticed a partically skeaky floorboard. Maybe a small hallow out space? Stepping around it I came to the conclusion that the space would be too small to serve any practical use. If one was watching me they would most likely figure out that I was forming a plan of escape, but in reality I was doing all this to rememdy my boredom and distract my hunger, which only grew by the second. After I memorized pratically ever nook and crannie of my fancy prison the door slid open and two girls, about my age maybe younger, came in with the only thing I cared about in that moment; food. My mouth dropped as the smell waftered in the air. I watch as they placed it down on the small low table in the middle of the room. Walking foward cautiosly and tired of keeping my mouth shut I asked jokingly. 

"You didn't posin it, did you?" Instantly the two girls whose heads had been lowered looked up with a shocked and horrifid expression. Their wide eyed expressions took me a step back. "Calm down. I was only kidding." before adding after a pause, not jokingly this time "Unless it is." The two girls both shook their heads rapidly. I stiffen a short laugh. "I'll believe you this time, but if I die," pause for effect, "I can't promise I won't haunt you for the rest of your lives."

I had sit down in front of the stemming pot of some sort of thick poriage. Better than nothing I guess. The two maids, I came to the conclusion, left in a hurry. Maybe jokes don't translate well. I shrugged as I finished off the meal, it had been difficult with the cuffs but definitly manigable for the time being.


A dark shadow had engulfed the forest around them. The wind began to pick up bringing a spin chilling howl. A little girl sitting in a cart full of straw began to cover herself with it. They musn't smell me. They mustn't find me. The warm sleep of the dry straw had a calming effect on her that allowed her not to fall deeper into panic. "Melody," a soft voice echoed in her head, like it always did when she was scared, it was her late mother's "Don't worry, I'll protect you from them." Her mother's last words. Yes. She would protect her little girl. Even with her life. This fortified the little girl's resolve. She would be brave. Just like her mother had been.


Shortly after finishing the meal Regal popped by and made a quick annoncment that I would have a sort of sit down with the Empresses. I rolled my eyes when he mentioned that it would be in the morning. "And what does she wish to discuss with me? A dirty Uni?" I asked annoyed. Regal noticed but acted more conciderate towards me now. "You will have to wait and see." "Who says I'm going to still be here tomorrow?" I mumbled under my breath. I had traveled back to my world at one point, granted with the Chief help, maybe I could do it again. "I would not advise that, miss." Regal spoke gravely as well as patronizingly. "If you were to disapear your absense would be the fault of the maids, servents, and gaurds that have been assign to you. This, of course, could cost them their lives."

"Are you insane?" I asked legitimatly wondering if I should recomend a psyciatric facility to him. "I've been here, at best, half a day. How does give me the power of life or death over people I've barely seen?" Regal raised his eyebrows, as though tired of listening to a child. I made a fist but ultimately released it. "All that I had said was meant to show the consequences of your actions. In the woods you freely tried to kill me, this caused your rightful arrest and sentence. However you also freely fought back the wolves reveiling your identity, this lead to you needing to address the Emperess. See?" 

"First off," I said smiling as brightly as possible, adopting his condesending dispositon. "I saw a man about to shoot you. I stopped him." "So you say." Dropping my smile at his inturruption, I said through my teeth. "Yes, I say. And I also say that if I had just minded my own business and not care about who ever that guy was about to kill I could have just avoided this whole situation. But then," I tilted my head, "you would be dead." Clearing his throat, Regal cleared the room. I let out a built up sigh of uttery annoance at the stupidity of the whole situation.



I wrote about 850 words. Yep. Tomorrow is Easter as well as the end of spring break and beginning of torment again, aka school. I will, obviously, keep updating everyday. So stay tuned! Unless you don't like the story, then why even bother reading it :p

Anyways Charlie is in a bind. She has the key to unlock her cuffs and an idea of how to physically escape the premise and even the backup plan of using The Calm to her advantage, however she now holds the lives of a bunch of people she doesn't even know. 

BTW you should all know by now that I never know what I'm going to write until I write it, so even I at this very moment have no idea what tomorrow brings. One last thing, spell check wasn't working and I just write to post so there are going to be a few typos or awkward grammar structures that I would normally catch if I read it through one time before posting. :D

Best Regards, A Good Night, and Happy Easter,

- Anita

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