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We had gotten back late that night. Minnie had mentioned something about Soul missing, but with no panic in her voice and everyone suffering from exhaustion the three of us sort of brushed it off.

Following Minnie back to the room, both of us already half asleep, I collapsed onto my "bed" forgetting it was only a cushion cover rock. My already sore body started aching with fresh bruises. I let out an exasperated groan. "Idiot..." Minnie mumbled before either I fell asleep or she did because I don't remember anything after that except the darkness that surrounded us.

A soft breeze awoke me. Opening my eyes I was welcomed with the familiar blue. I smiled softly lifting my wrist in front of my face. 'There you are.' I spoke in my mind. The hazy blue seemed to him as it grew a little clearer and brighter before stopping around a certain brightness. For some reason, I felt the calm mixed with uneasiness. ('cause a bracelet glowing when it has no reason to isn't uneasy enough.) I scooted into an upright position, my back against the jagged cave wall.


It wasn't English, yet I understood it. All the voices spoke a different tongue all saying the same thing.


I swallowed as the soft voices hissed.


The voices went quiet and the blue began to dim. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, it felt like the moment right before a jump scare. I subconsciously braced myself.


I waited longer.

"Home." a single familiar voice croaked.

I snapped to the sound of her voice, catching only a glimpse of her face before the soft breeze grew into a windstorm. The blue grew bright again. But it was different this time. It grew stronger with no signs of stopping as though it was going to explode. 

"Minnie!" I yelled over the wind. 

Would I come back? My memories flashed to Minnie. She was a little girl the first time I met her. I had turned away for only a day, barely even a night and she had aged 7 years. My heart began to throb with the consequences of leaving now, but I couldn't stop it. 

"WHAT THE-" Minnie shouted, but it was too late. 

I was standing in the parking lot with the feeling of deja vu. Not a second had passed since the wolves. I finally glanced up from the pavement.

"You're a stubborn one, Wolf-slayer." The voice I grew to loath said grumpily.

"Charlie... Where are we?"

I turned to the new voice, then took a double take. I blinked dumbly.

"Minnie?" I asked in disbelief,

"No, I'm obviously a koala." She said as she took in her surroundings.

I kept staring. "You're... here?"

Minnie turned back to me and exasperated a nod, blinking in a sort of patronizing way, 

"Yes Charlie, I'm here. Now, will you stop freaking out more than me because I have no idea where here is and I'm still in my pajamas!"

How could she be here? Wasn't it all... my imagination? How could any of that be real- oh my gosh am I going insane?! But it was real! All that happened! It's been days!

I looked up, glancing around, officially freaking Minnie out. "Charlie if you don't tell me where we are right now, I will kill you." If it had been any other time I might have thought she was joking but at that moment I knew she was serious and freaking out.

"Uh.. yeah... I don't think you're gonna like this, but this is my world." 

Minnie snorted, "Your world?" She asked mockingly, before seeing my serious expression and the cars zooming down the highway. Minnie looked from the cars to me back to the cars and then finally faced me full on. 

"All jokes aside: what are those and how do I get one?"



Ok, this keeps happening. I write at night but I gotta wait till the morning to post. Hopefully, this stops soon but I don't think it will.

This story has about 25 more installations until it's officially "Novel" length (and that was my goal for this whole project) 

kinda proud, kinda sad, (kinda scared this whole story is basically just crap... hehe)

Since it looks like I'm going to be crazy busy this coming school year, (France, death, more death.) The ending might be a bit rushed, but no fear I do plan on going over this very very very rough draft and smoothing it out as well as refining the characters and better explain what the heck is going on!!!

Oh dear, I'm getting ahead of myself... 

till then oh faithful Koala (who is literally the only one reading this) Adios!

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