Chapter 3- Finally

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Jason gently took hold of my arms and the rope, but then hesitated. He sighed, looking into my eyes, "I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to you know." I looked at him surprised. It wasn't a big deal to me. "I understand." I mumbled. He holds my gaze for a while before tying my wrist to his. "Is this better?" He asked grinning and tilting his head to the side. I laughed. "Yeah that's better, thanks." He smiled and lead me upstairs. We entered a huge room with a dining table that reached from both sides of the room. A crystal chandelier hung on the ceiling above it. Jason led me to a chair and he sat in the one next to me. Someone in a checkered shirt with glasses was already sitting in the chair next to Jason. He leaned forward, looking past Jason, at me. "Oh, so this is who tried to kill Ian." he said adjusting his glasses. The way he said it made me laugh. "Why do you sound like a crazy lady." I said. "Don't judge Aunt Janet deary." He said again. I lost it. Jason laughed and said "Jenna this is Tyler. He isn't a TeamCraftes member but he's really close to us." I nodded still laughing. Soon someone in a dark purple cloak came in and sat across from me. He examined me for a minute before speaking. "Hello, I'm Seto." I wave at him. To be honest he scares me. I mean he looks friendly but he seemed a bit intimidating. Jason turned to me, remembering the rope, and untied my wrist form his. He turned to talk to Seto. Next Jerome came and sat two chairs away from me. I frowned a little. I didn't want any of them to dislike me. Then Sky came in and sat at the head of the table. Then Ty came in and sat next to me and smirked at Jason. Next a guy that looked like a fish sat at the other end of the table. Ian came in and sat down by the fish man. He slightly smiled at me when he sat down. "You know I'm not going to hurt you. I couldn't if I wanted to anyway." I gestured to the rest of TeamCrafted. "Yeah..." Ian said looking at his empty plate since the food hasn't come out yet. "Y-you don't want to... Right?" I smiled, "Of course not, I didn't want to in the first place... I don't know if I could've actually even done it if I had gotten the chance.." Actually I did know I would've most likely have don't it, after all, I have done it  before.... He smiled and lean back in his chair. Soon food came. It was pancakes. I smiled with joy and quickly ate it. I forgot Jason was there until he said " You were really hungry! " I looked up and stuck my tongue out. "How do you eat with that helmet on?" I said. He laughed. "Magic." I rolled my eyes. I sat and talked with Seto about magic. I never really known much about it before, and it was actually interesting. I was disappointed because I got use magic. During the dinner Sky rolled over and whispered something to Jason. Jason nodded, I could tell he wasn't happy about it. Soon after dinner was over everyone headed to bed. Jason waited until everyone was gone then led me back to his room, without tying up my hands again. I walked into Jason's room, realizing we will have to share a bed. I laid down and stretched out. I kinda dozed off. I woke up to Jason laying beside me. He had his arm around my waist. I looked up at him. He didn't have his helmet on. He had curly light brown hair. And he had a bit of a tan. He open his eyes. They were a beautiful blue eyes. "Um... sorry if this is weird... Um Sky told me I had to.. You know so you don't run away, just a precaution..." He stuttered. His face was a bright red. "He so cute when he blushes." I say to myself. I must of blushed myself by thinking of that. "That's fine." I say cuddling closer to him. He sighs contentedly and close his eyes. Soon I drift off to sleep as well.
*Morning* I wake up to find Jason gone. I sat up and looked around the room. I relaxed when I see him looking on his computer. He must of saw me. "What's wrong?" He says laughing. "I thought you left meh." I said. "Oh." He said standing up and coming towards me. He sat next to me. "No, I wouldn't do that." He smiled. His face was only inches form mine. But to ruin the moment his computer beeped and he backed away. "Ugh Jerome is having another one of his parties Friday, and everyone has to attend it. He invites other people too but we all have to go since we live here too otherwise he will constantly bug you until you go." I laugh and say "He sounds like a fun guy." Jason laughed "He's something alright. But lately everyone has been very stressed and we don't act like we use too. I guess a party could do us good." For the rest of the morning we played Minecraft in survival. "Look Jenna I built you a house!" He cried out. I walked over to the house . I laughed when I realized he built it to look like his room. He joins in on my laughing. I looked at my hunger bar. "Jason I need food or Imma die!" I whined. "Hmmmmm we can't have that can we?" He said. "I shall get food for m'lady! I will return with the best of chicken!" I laugh at him as he heads into the woods to find food. While he was fine I secretly make flint and steel, trying to hide my screen so he doesn't see. I quickly set the whole house on fire and sit there in the middle of the flames when he comes back and I start laughing evilly at him. "Nooooo! My home!" He says. "I shall get revenge!" He says tackling me to the ground. I'm knocked away from the computer and onto the floor. Jason pinning me down, glaring at me. The look on his face actually scared me. I tried to push off him, but he was too strong. After a while he rolled off of me and started laughing, "I scared you! Didn't I!?" He said putting out a hand to help me up. I took his hand while scowling, But I stood up to fast and immediately grabbed his shoulder to stop myself form falling. I was standing very close to him. He looked down at me, his eyes met mine. He slowly started to move in towards me. I leaned in, making are lips meet. We both stayed like this for a while, nothing else in the world mattering at the moment. We both pulled away, still staring at each other. Both of us starts to lean in again but them Ian came running down the stairs. He looked at both of us, standing so close to each other. We jumped apart. I could feel my face turn red as I tried to step away form Jason as much as possible. "Um... Sky wants to talk to you Jason, I'm suppose to take Jenna with me." "Alright." Jason said looking at me longingly. Before leaving he muttered something to Ian. "Of course not man!", Ian said. Jason nodded and walked up the stairs. " Jason doesn't tie you up anymore, does he?" asked Ian, smirking. I shook my head no. He laughs, "Alright then, I won't either. Come on." 

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