Chapter 23- Time alone

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

After Danielle and Tyler ran out of the room, I turned to Jason. He was propped up on his elbow. "When do I get to leave here?" I asked. "When ever you want to." He said softly. "Can I be in your room instead?" I asked, tired of this room. "Sure," he said, "Can you walk?" "I can try." I said standing up slowly. Jason held out his hand for me to pull myself up. I took a couple of steps, before I realized it was putting too much pressure on my leg. I shook my head. I continued to walk. The pain was just to much. I started to fall, but Jason caught me. I was a little uncomfortable with no shirt, since the one I had been wearing, was ruined by blood. I crossed my arms over my chest, since it wasn't just me and Jason. I wasn't really comfortable around even just him. "Hey Jason?" I asked sitting back down. "Yeah?" "Um can you find me a shirt?" He immediately went red, "Y-yeah." He left the room to go find one. Madison laughed, "Why didn't you have one?" she asked suspiciously. "They had to get to my stomach, where the arrow shot me." I explained. She nodded and rested her head against Jerome. I smiled at them. Madison noticed and asked, "What?" "Oh nothing." I replied turning away. Someone walked in the room. Two people actually. The first person was Jason with a T-shirt. And the second one was... Mitch? I ignored him and slipped on the shirt Jason got me. Mitch walked past me to go say something to Jerome then left. I rolled my eyes as Jason picked me up and carried me to his room, like so many nights before. I sighed happily, I missed being here. I hadn't really gotten to see Jason except for that one night and the last day. Which wasn't really the best time, considering I had gotten shot by arrows. Jason laid me on the bed and slipped off his shirt before laying down beside me. I snuggled up against him and he leaned down and his lips brushed my ear. I turned toward him and he brushed the hair out of my face before he leaned in and kissed me. It only took me a second for me to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went to the hem of my shirt and his hands touched my bare back. His hand moved closer to my bra strap, playing with it for a minute, before slowly moving his hands to my stomach. His hand barely brushed my stitches and he stopped. He just put his arm around me and closed his eyes. I didn't mind, I just snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep

*Madison's p.o.v*

After Jason and Jenna left, Jerome laughed "Hmmm. Why would they be leaving?" He said smirking. I smiled at him. I was starting to like him. That made me worried, but how could that be bad? Oh well, he probably doesn't like me that much anyway, after all I tried to kill him with Betty. He doesn't ever bring that up, I would think he would've told his friends, but he didn't. I turned and he was staring at me. "You ok?" He asked softly. I nodded. "D-did you stay here all night just waiting for me to wake up? I asked quietly. He looked over at me, "Of course." He said of course, like it would be insane if he had done anything else. I smiled softly at him. "Why? Was that weird?" He asked turning red. I place my hand on his. "No, no! It was just very.. Sweet. That's all." I said looking down. I was probably blushing a lot. I looked up and his face was close to mine. I flashed back to the first night I was here and he had leaned in and whispered that I couldn't have Betty. He was that close now and I could feel his breath on my lips, our noses almost touching. Then we jumped back apart when Tyler ran in yelling about ice cream or something. I stared at Jerome for a minute and he stared back at me. Tyler noticed and said, "Um oops? Or um actually I don't know. I'm going to find Danielle now." He ran out of the room.

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