Chapter 38- Forgiving

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*Danielle's p.o.v*

I woke up the next morning feeling like I had died and came back. I slowly got out of bed and everything cam back. Tyler on top of her, kissing her. Her, smirking up at him. I didn't even know her name and I hated her. I fought back tears as I got ready. I had thought he was the one. Guess sometimes we are all wrong. I threw my hair into a bun before opening the door. My stomach gave a jolt. Tyler was asleep outside of the room, against the wall. "He's been there all night." Mitch said coming out of his room and walking downstairs. I looked at him for a minute before pushing my thoughts about him aside and walked downs the stairs. All during breakfast I ignored him. He looked awful, his eyes were red and his glasses had smudges on them from where he had put his head in his hands so many time. After breakfast I sat in the living room for about an hour. I walked up to my room, or I guess Tyler's room, wanting to be alone. I opened the door and closed it, not paying attention. When I looked up, I found Tyler standing there. I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Danielle. I can't take this any longer. Let me explain!" He begged. "No Tyler." I felt tears threatening to spill. He stepped closer to me, until I was pressed up against the wall. "Please Danielle." He said his voice barely above a whisper. He sounded so hurt. I sighed and looked up at him. "Danielle, look. This is what happened. I was taking her up to Ty because he had ran off even though he was suppose to watch her. On the top step she tripped and it caused me to fall on top of her. I had started to get up when she looked at someone behind me, now I know it was you. She put her arms around my neck so it was hard for me to pull away from her. She laughed about it Danielle! She laughed! I don't even see how that could be funny! Please Danielle you have to believe me!" He said holding my hands. I didn't answer for a minute, just taking it all in. "I love you Danielle. Not anyone else. You. You are the only one, I will and can ever love. When I look at you, I see the sun, the sky, the stars, and the moon, because you are my entire world." He said, not taking a breath between each word. He looked at me, "Please." He whispered. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him He seemed surprised at first, but then relaxed. I felt a tear go down my face and he whipped it away, "No, why are you crying?" He asked softly. I laughed, "Am... Am I really your entire world?" He nodded and kissed me again, " I coudln't live without you." He whispered. 

I have so many feels right now. As I was typing this the song Amnesia came on and I'm just so dead with flipping feels ;-;

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