Chapter 47- Truth or Dare

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

It was Danielle's turn to go next. She turned to Madison, "Ok. Madison. I dare you to act like a cat for the rest of the game and an hour after the game ends." Madison laughed and crawled across the floor. She went up to Jerome, "Meow?" Jerome looked at her and laughed, "Uh, hello.....Kitty Madison?" She licked her hand and turned her head sideways. I looked at Danielle, "Why a cat?" She shrugged, laughing. "hey, before we do the next dare, I have an idea!" Sky said standing up and walking out of the room. Everyone was mainly watching Madison be a cat. She had curled up by Jerome, and was 'attacking' his hand. He was watching her. "She's taking this seriously, isn't she?" Shadow asked. Sky walked back in with something shaped like a phone. "Hey! I know what that is!" Jerome said. "Yeah. It's yours." Sky laughed. "What is it?" Jason asked, looking at the small advice. "It's a truth or dare thing, Jerome got a long time ago. You shake it and it gives you a dare or truth." Sky explained. "Ooh, I remember that!" Mitch said. "Whose turn was it?" Grace asked, impatiently. "It's my turn to dare someone." Sky replied, "And I'm going to dare Tyler." Everyone gathered in a circle around the truth or dare device. Sky shook it and put it back down. Exchange an article of clothing with the person on the right of you, It said. Seto was sitting on Tyler's right. Tyler slowly picked up his shoe, "SHOE!" He yelled and threw it at Seto. Seto ducked and took his hoe and threw it at Tyler. "I guess that's good enough." Ian shrugged, laughing. "Yay! My turn! I'm going to dare Jason!" I claimed. Jason shook it, but didn't place it back down. His eyes widened and glanced over at me, "Nope, shaking this!" Everyone protested. "What did it say?" Jerome asked. "Uuuummm.....Nothing." Jason said, continuing to shake it. I looked at hims strangely. What could it have been? This time he placed it back down. 'The person on your left has to act like a 1 year old for 15 minutes, and you have to take care of them' said the screen. I looked away, I was on Jason's left. Jason looked at the screen, "This has some weird dares..." I looked around, "Not really sure what I'm supposed to do..." Ivy shrugged, "I guess like a toddler?" I smiled, "Jason! I want a cookie!" He rolled his eyes, "I don't think 1 year olds eat cookies." I frowned, "Well I am a special 1 year old. I eat cookies." He laughed, "I don't have any cookies though." "Nooooooooo!" I wailed, trying my best to act like a little kid. I put my head on his shoulder and pretend to sob into it. "Why do they take this so seriously?" Seto laughed. I turned and glared at him, and Madison made a hissing noise. Seto's eyes widened, "Ummm...W-who goes next?" Ivy picked it up and shook it. 'Rub noses with a person of your group's choice.' Ivy looked at everyone, "Um...Who?" Everyone turned to Seto and he blushed. Ivy walked over to him, and rubbed his nose. She paused, with her nose against his and kissed him, before walking to her seat. "That wasn't apart of the dare, but whatever!" Grace laughed, picking up the device and shaking it. 'You have to be a slave for 10minutes for the person across from you.' She looked across from her. Sky. She just looked at him,. "Um. What if I don't tell her to do anything?" Sky asked, looking at Grace. "I guess it doesn't matter then." Tyler shrugged. By the time everyone was pretty much falling asleep. "Guys, I want to go to sleep." I complained. "Jason! You aren't taking care of your 1 year old!" Jerome yelled. Madison had fallen asleep with her head on his lap. "Jerome! Your cat fell asleep, until you woke her up!" Jason yelled back. I buried my head in Jason's chest, "I'm tired." I mumbled. He combed his hand through my hair, "Ok." he answered and stood up. I stayed on the floor, "Carry me, I still have five minutes left in your dare." I said, half closing my eyes. He sighed and picked me up. I closed my eyes as he carried me. I felt him put me down. I barely opened my eyes and saw him smiling softly at me. "Hi." I said, trying to keep my eyes open. "Hey." He smirked and kissed my forehead. "Jason, what was that dare you got? The first time." I asked, remembering. He hesitated, "I'll tell you tomorrow." I started to protest but I was too tired, so I just nodded. I curdled up next to him, closing my eyes, and almost immediately falling asleep.

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