Chapter 39- Revenge

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*Ty's p.o.v*

We had all sat in silence for a while, until Danielle left the living room. Tyler had never followed us after breakfast. I scowled at the thought of the girl. She had smiled the whole time at how miserable Danielle and Tyler looked. I wanted to hit her so bad but Jenna made me not hit her. She's a girl Ty. An evil one, but a girl. I reminded myself. Madison started to follow Danielle, but Ivy stopped her, "Don't. She needs to be alone." She said with a twinkle in her eye. She looked like she knew something but didn't say anything. She kinds scares me, I thought Seto was a little weird, but she seems so much more...powerful than he does. Madison just shrugged and sat back down. Sky had went to question the girl since she wouldn't even talk in front of us. When Tyler had practically just thrown her in the room, I knew something had happened. The girls had told us that morning before either Tyler or Danielle had came downstairs. Madison had looked like she wanted to hit the girl, when I pulled her down the stairs, if it was up to me, I would've let her, but Ivy and Jenna held her back. So now everyone was just sitting on the couch, discussing what had happened. Soon Sky came bacl in the room, pushing the girl in front of him. Madison immediately tried to go attack her, but Jerome grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her. "Don't, Madison. It won't do us any good." He said quietly. Sky had found rope, so now the girl was tied up and she just sat on the couch not really looking at us. We asked her questions for a while, but she wouldn't answer. Suddenly Madison sat straight up, "Has anyone seen Tyler or Danielle?" She asked. We all shook our heads no. "I swear if that little...." She trailed off walking through the door. No one followed her, knowing she could take care of it herself if there actually was anything to worry about. "What does she think Tyler will do?" I asked, surprised she suspected Tyler would do anything like that. "Don't get me started bro..." Jenna said.

*Madison's p.o.v*

I quietly ran up the stairs. I mean yes, I wanted Danielle and Tyler to make up as soon as possibly, but if he wouldn't leave her alone.... I went to their room and the door was slightly open. I slowly put my head in the room, not making any noise. Danielle was up against the wall, Tyler in front of her. "Am...Am I really your entire world?" She was asking. He nodded and kissed her, "I couldn't live without you." He told her resting his forehead on hers. Then they started kissing again and I just left, slipping away without them knowing I there or ever had been there. I ran downstairs and into the living room. "What's wrong?" Jerome asked, sounding alarmed. I smile, "Nothing. Lets just say they are back together." Everyone smiled except the girl. She frowned and gave a tired sigh, "Guess I'll have to mess it up again." I'm pretty sure flames were in my eyes, I was so angry. "Listen here you piece of-" I started. "Madison, calm." Jerome said coming up behind me. I shook my head, "No.Jerome. I'm saying this." I turned back towards the girl, "If you ever, I mean ever, do something like that agin,I will ask you questions instead of Sky and I have a very good feeling I will get answers." The girl looked alarmed and nodded. 'Good." I smirked and walked out of the room. I walked back upstairs, there was something I had to take care of. I hadn't done this earlier, I had let Danielle have her moment, but now, because of Tyler, I had to get revenge. I walked to their room and threw the door open with a bang. I walked into see a very alarmed Tyler, who had appeared to jump seven feet away from Danielle. She jumped back too. They looked worried, as if they thought I was mad at Tyler for kissing Danielle. Hmmmm. I could do that. I scowled over at Tyler and Danielle started to say something, but I cut her off by yelling, "REVENGE, TYLER! REVENGE!" I ran out of the room. He walked to the doorway, confused, "What?" "You remember those, I think, five times you kept interrupting me and Jerome? Well, REVENGE!" I answer yelling. " That makes no sense." Tyler said laughing. I shrugged, "Whatever, I still got revenge." I turned to go back downstairs and I immediately run into someone. I looked up, it was Jerome. Tyler! you knew he was here! I thought. "That was really worth getting revenge for?" He asked smirking. "yeah, well revenge is fun, and I like to get revenge and-" He cut me off, kissing me, until I pulled back for air. "Tyler didn't interrupt that one." He whispered holding my hands. He looked behind me and laughed. I turned away form him. I laughed. Danielle had her hands over Tyler's mouth, so he wouldn't interrupt. Then we all headed downstairs. Danielle shot death glares at the girl, and so did Tyler. Other than that everyone seemed happy again. I leaned against Jerome and closed my eyes, smiling.

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