Chapter 8- New Girl

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I follow Jason downstairs and into the living room. Jerome was standing in front of a girl with blonde almost white hair with his diamond axe at her neck. She didn't move an inch when we entered.When I saw her face I knew she was from my group. I didn't know if I knew her or not she looked about a year younger than me. Jerome was breathing heavily. "What happened Jerome!?" I asked. "I was sitting here playing Minecraft on my laptop when she came through the window and tried to kill me!!!" He exclaimed. "I thought Tyler was with you. Where did he go?" Sky asked. "He went to go find rope." Jerome said keeping the axe at her neck. Sky nodded. I started to think about the day I was captured. I wondered if she is as scared as I was. Although I wasn't that scared after that day. She looked very frightened. She stared at Jerome with a look of hatred. Soon Ian, Ty, and Seto came in, followed by the Huskey. Jason looked at me. "You ok?: He asked looking concerned. I looked at him puzzled until I realized he was asking beacuse this happened to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say looking at the girl. Then Tyler walked in with rope. The girl looked scared but when he walked in she seemed to relax a little. Huh... Jerome didn't remove his axe until her hands and feet were tied. Then she started trying to get free, pulling on the ropes. Before anyone could stop her she had some how gotten on her feet, but she immediantly started to fall and Tyler leaned foward and caught her. He picked her up and placed her on the couch. Sky knelt beside her. "We aren't going to hurt you. Just answer this question. What was your mission and what is your name?" She looked around for a moment. "My mission was.... too kill you all." She said queitly. "And my name is Danielle." "That's what I figured." Sky muttered. "Well. We shouldn't lock her away either but.. she can't be too trusted.. Who wants to voluenteer to watch her?" No one said anything. I looked up and Jason was staring at someone, at first I thought he was looking at her. but realized he was looking at Tyler. Tyler was sitting very close to her and he hadn't stopped looking at her since he came in. With a smirk on his face, Jason said "I think Tyler should." Everyone agreed. She looked a bit calmed by that. Tyler glared at Jason and Jason just smiled back. Since she wouldn't answer anymore questions everyone started to leave. "Hey Adam?" Asked Tyler. "Um can I untie her feet so she can, ya know, walk?" Sky thought about this and said "Not yet. Oh and also make sure she doesn't have any more weapons on her." Tyler blushed a deep red and said "Oh ok." "Hey Seto could you use your magic to find weapons?" He asked. "I could." replied Seto. "but I won't." He said grinning. Tyler sighed and picked Danielle up and started talking like Janet. "I'm sorry sweetheart they are all a bunch of SICK people!" He said loudly so everyone heard him. "Except Jenna. She doesn't smell like a horse." Danielle looked at him but didn't say anything. Me on the other hand, started laughing along with the others. Tyler grinned and left with Danielle. Then Jason turned around and picked me up. "Hey!" I yelled. "I don't have to be carried!" "Aww but it's fun baby gurl." He said spinning me. He headed to his room and placed me on the bed then flopped down next to me. He put his arm around my waist and closed his eyes. I just laid there in the dark thinking about Danielle. "Do you think she is scared anymore?" I whispered. Jason looked at me confused. "Who?" "Danielle." "Oh.. By now I'm pretty sure she isn't since Tyler either made her laugh or about as creeped as a person can get.. He is ood at both.." I laughed and closed my eyes.

*Tyler's pov*

I carried Danielle to my room. And sat her on the bed. She wasn't wearing shoes so she didn't have any weapons there. Or in her hair. Or in her pocket so I decided it was safe. "You know I don't have any weapons, right?" She said softly. I looked at her. "I know that." I picked her up and laied her down on the bed. I laid down beside her and looked at her. "That can't be comfortable." I said motioning toward her hands. "It isn't." She said with a half smile. I thought for a moment. "Give me your hands." She did and I untied them. "Just don't tell anyone." I say softly. She nodded and I put my arm around her waist, expecting her to move away and then I would hae to explain why and blah blah blah. But instead she just snuggled up closer. I smiled and closed my eyes.

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