Chapter 14- Meeting

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*Sky's p.o.v*

I sat ay my computer, thinkng. I wasn't sure what to do. I finally sighed and decided I had put this off long enough. I decided to call for a meeting with the rest of TeamCrafted to make a decision. I sat down as everyone had entered, I spoke, "As you know, there is a group of assassins after us. I don't think they actually have a name, but for some reason they are trying to kill us, but we need to find them and stop them before they do. Based on what we have been told by the girls, they are somewhere in the woods." I stopped and looked at them. They already knew most of this. "Ok... And?" Ian asked. "And I think, we should use this plan. As of right now most of the people in our army are gone, or busy. I think we should wait a while before we do anything and let our army grow in members and return. But it would be ideal to learn more abou the enem. Maybe use spies? I'm not sure. I haven't figured out all the details, but we can't just hire someone to spy, we have to use someone we can trust. Like.. one of us. Two or three of us actually." I looked around. Some looked worried, the rest calm. "We don't have to decide anything yet, but for now, that's the plan." I finished and stood up and left the room.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

Madison, Danielle, Tyler, and I were in the living room while TeamCrafted had a meeting about something. I was just sitting on the couch, watching TV when something hit the back of my head. I turned around and saw Madison and Danielle hiding behind the couch with pillows in thier hands, smiling widely. When I  turned around they tried to hit me again, but I jumoed up and grabbed a pillow. Soon all three of us were hitting each other with pillows, but then Danielle swung back her pillow and broke a flower pot and we all quickly put the pillows down and walked away from the flower pot. Tyler entered the room and immediately noticed the pot. "Hey what happen to the flower pot?" "What flower pot?" All three of us said at the same time. "That's not creepy at all.." Tyler said before sitting in a chair. Danielle, Madison, and me were all looking at each other getting the same idea. Grinning, Danielle picked up a pillow and put it behind her back. She walked over to Tyler and leaned in as if she was going to kiss him, then she hit him on the head with a pillow. "Hey!" He yelled and picked up a near by pillow. Madison and I joined in and it wasn't long before Tyler hit a painting and it fell, breaking in half. "Oops." He muttered as Jerome, Mitch and Ty walked in. " Good job Tyler." Jerome said walking in. He sat down. "So what was the meeting about?" Tyler asked, trying to fix the painting as best as he could. They explained what Sky had told them and by the time they were done, Tyler had given up on the painting. It was in four pieces instead of two. I walked over to Mitch. "Mitch!" I whinned. "What child?" He said looking at me. "Where is my Jason!?" Mitch shrugged. I groaned. "He should of walked in with us." Jerome said. "Guess he didn't want to see this ugly monster of his." Mitch said smirking. I went to attack him but I felt arms go around me. I kicked at the person. They dropped me. "Well nice to see you too Jenna." Jason said. I laughed and jumped on him. "Hi Jason."  said giggling taking off his helmet and kissing his cheek. "Ew get a room!" Mitch yelled. I glarred at him then got an idea. "Jerome I need some help with soemthing." I said to my fluffy friend. He looked at me weird but followed me any way.

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