Chapter 13- Dun dun DUNNN

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*Danielle's pov*

*Next Morning*

We all gathered for breakfast in the dining room. I sat beside Tyler and across from Jason. Jenna came in and sat next to Jason and Mitch. I feel like something is up with her and the two boys but she say nothing is up. Whatever. Soon everyone else had come except Madison and Jerome. Mitch and Sky exchanged worried glances. Sky looked like he was about to say something when Jerome came in half dragging half carrying Madison. They sat across from Mitch and Jenna. Jerome let out an exhausted sigh. Madison just sat there glaring at everyone unhappily. I waved to both of them, Jerome waved back and Madison half waved. Throughout the meal we just laughed and talked. Once I caught Madison smiling but when she saw me looking at her, she went back to frowning. After we ate, we all decided to go to the game room in the basement except for Sky because he claimed to be busy.

*Madison's pov*

Everyone got up and Jerome pulled me up with him he followed the others and led me to the game room. When we arrived at the game room, we all sat down at a computer. Everyone voted on playing Minecraft. After a while they all started talking about something called, The Hunger Games. We all got on a hunger games server, that held 20 people. There were 10 of us. So the rest were just random people. When it started, I watched everyone run. Tyler, Mitch, Madison, and Jenna all went one way while Ty and Seto went another way. Quentin and Jason ran another way opposite from the rest. I looked around and couldn't find Jerome. I decided to go the way others hadn't gone. I didn't bother trying to get a chest. I had only seen 2 people out of the 10 of us. Tyler, Jason, and Mitch. As for Jerome, I still had no idea. I ran toward a swampy looking area, no one else had headed for. From all the talking going on all around me I learned, Quentin just died from Jason, Tyler was killed by trying to save Danielle from a random person, but both of them ended up dying, Jason was just running around, Seto died from someone, Ty was looking for chests, Jerome was wandering around, Mitch was running around looking for chests too, and Jenna was just very lost. I have never played this before, so I was pretty much just running around it. It wasn't long before a person tried to kill me. I didn't have anything so I just punched at them. I had three hearts left when someone came from the trees and killed the person I was trying to kill. I realized it was Jerome and he gave me a sword. I just took it and ran off. "Hey come back! Team!" Said Jerome next to me. I turned my character back around, "Fine." I agreed. I basically just followed him around for a while. He killed pretty everyone that came toward us,including Jason. I checked to see who was left. Jerome, me, Mitch, Jenna, and a random person I didn't know. That person ran behind Jerome and could've killed him, but I stopped him and killed him. Jerome turned around just in time to see him die. I turned and ran knowing there was not many people left anymore and teaming wouldn't be needed. I saw a name tag up ahead. It was Mitch and Jenna. I followed them and waited until Mitch was a little ahead of Jenna. I ran out and killed Jenna before she could even hurt me. "Not my Jenna!!!" Mitch said has he ran toward me. He shot an arrow i and it hit my back. I ran, side to side now, trying to keep moving. Suddenly I was teleported somewhere. I was back to the start with Jerome and Mitch. I watched them try to kill each other. Mitch finally killed Jerome. He ran toward me and I decided to fight back. I hit him at least twice before I died. I hit respawn and I was spectating. Fireworks went off. "Yeah! GG!" Mitch said. Everyone started talking about something after that, by then it was 2 in the afternoon. Everyone went their own way and did whatever they were going to do for the rest of the day.

*Danielle's pov*

Tyler turned to me. "What do you want to do?" He asked me. "Oh.... I don't." I replied. "I have an idea." He said with a smile. "Ok." I said smiling back. He led me all the way upstairs, we went up several flights of stairs before reaching a trapdoor above us. He opened it and lifted me up and helped me up. He climbed up after me. It was only then when I looked around. We were really high up. You could see the village and the gardens and.. well everything. I waled toward the edge and quickly took a step back, it made me feel like I might fall. Tyler came up behind me and put his arms around me. "Now you're safe." He said, trying to get me to walk closer toward the edge. I finally did and it was so beautiful. I turned in his arms and looked up at him. He rested his forehead against mine and kissed me. I looked at him surprised. Our gazes held, with me looking at him, still a little shocked. He smiled shyly, glancing at the ground then back at me. I smiled back and turned back toward the sky and we stayed out there until the sun started to set.

*Jenna's pov*

I decided I wanted to write a book or journal about everything in my life. Jason looked at me weirdly but got me a book anyway. I sat on his bed ad hung upside down while he was on the computer. I finally gave up not knowing what to write. I tossed the book at Jason's head. Instead it landed on the floor next to him. Oh well. Close enough. He picked it and sand opened it. "But it doesn't say anything." He said. "Yeah. My point is I'm to lazy to write." I said. "Wait so you just sat there for 30 minutes doing nothing?" He said still looking confused. "Pretty much." I said smiling as I attempted to turn right side up, but when I stood up I got a head rush. "Whoa!" I said falling to the floor. Jason helped me up laughing. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to bed." I say. "It's only 7." He said. I jumped on the bed. "I'm tired." He laughed and laid down next to me. I push him off the bed. "Oh haha your gonna get it tomorrow." He said. I smiled and feel asleep.

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