Chapter 37- Cheating??

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*Sky's p.o.v*

I sat on the couch in a corner. Everyone else had found someone to dance with. I probably could have too, but I really couldn't dance that well anyways. I sipped my drink and watched everyone. Jerome finally couldn't take all the slow music anymore and changed the music. It wasn't long before a girl came up to me, "Hey. Mind if I join you?" She asked smiling. I shrugged, "Why not?" She sat beside me for about five minutes in silence. Then she spoke up, "Would you dance with me?" She stood up. I looked at her, "I don't dance." I said flatly. She pulled me up by the hand. She put her face close to mine, and kept he hand oddly stiff at her side. Now this, was weird. Random girl trying to kiss me... She moved her other hand to my hand. Just as she leaned in, I grabbed her hand that had been by her side and pinned it to the wall. In that hand was a needle. I smirked, "I don't play those games." I took the needle from her as she scowled at me. She tried to hit me with her other hand, but I grabbed it and pinned it next to her other hand. She glanced over my shoulder, and looked a little scared. I turned without loosening my grip. Mitch, Ty, Jason, and Jenna were walking towards us. "So, um, what cha doing Sky?" Mitch smirked. I rolled my eyes and handed him the needle. Jenna jumped back from it, immediately recognizing it. Jason put his arm around her and looked at me, "I'm going to walk with Jenna to find Madison and Danielle, just in case she wasn't alone." He said gesturing towards the girl. "Mitch go take it to Seto and Ivy." Mitch nodded and took off to find Seto. "Hey guy." Danielle and Tyler said. Danielle looked over and saw the girl then at Jenna and saw how scared she was. "Hey Danielle wanna come with me to go find Madison and Jerome?" Jenna asked. Danielle nodded. Jason was going to protested put moved his arm from her and let the girl walk off.  Ian came up, "So what's happening over here?" Jason sighed like he was tried of explaining and turned to tell Ian. Soon everyone else had come up. Ivy ran up behind Seto. I handed the needle to them, "Figure out what's in this." They look at it for a minute, Seto mumbling some stuff. Ivy just looked at it for about thirty seconds before turning to me, "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know what it does. It will make the person it goes into, pass out for several hours. Most of the time up to 5." Seto looked at her, "How did you know?" She shrugged. "I just looked at it and knew." Of course because of this we had to asked everyone to leave, in case there were others like this girl here. She refused to tell us anything, so we just kind of ignored her.

*Tyler's p.o.v*

We were waiting for everyone to leave. Danielle,Madison, Ivy, and Jenna had decided to leave already, so they could change. "Ty, you watch her." Sky said, pushing the girl toward him. He caught her but looked at Sky, "What? No! She could possibly be worse than Madison was when she first came, and she tried multiple times to kill us! Plus I have to look after Jenna!" Ty hissed. Sky shrugged, "We'll just see how tonight goes also I think Jenna can sleep in Mitch's or Jason's room." Jerome looked at Ty, "Hey, Madison wasn't that bad." "Didn't you mention something about how she tried to kill you with Betty?" Ty asked. "Hey, there isn't any proof she wasn't trying to cut herself free!" Jerome protested. "Yeah, but I was trying to kill you." Madison came up behind Jerome. "Oh,gee, Thanks!" Jerome said sarcastically. She laughed at him. Everyone slowly one by one went to bed. Before Sky could stop him, Ty went upstairs without the girl. Sky sighed, "Tyler, will you take her to Ty?" I laughed at Ty and nodded. I walked behind her, holding her arms behind her back, since we had no rope. On the top step she tripped and fell, causing me to fall on top of her. I scowled, and started to get up. Her eyes flickered behind me and suddenly she leaned up and kissed me, (This is for my friend reading. DON'T KILL ME YOU BATCH I HAD TO MAKE SOME DRAMA BETWEEN YOU CAUSE I HATE YOU XD JK ily biggums!!!) wrapping her arms around my neck, making it hard to pull away. Before I could pull her arms off me, she stopped and smirked, looking behind me. I turned and saw Danielle. "T-Tyler?" She asked, tears in her eyes. She turned and ran down the hall. "Danielle!" I yelled after her. The girl laughed. I turned towards her, "You little..." I stopped myself and stood up, yanking her up with me. When I reached Ty's door I opened it and threw her in, not even caring. I turned to go to my room, where Danielle went. The door opened and I hoped to see Danielle, but it was Madison. She walked up to me and slapped me. "Ow!" I complained. "You deserve it!" She hissed, "I have never seen a person look so heartbroken and hurt! She will barely even talk! Don't you dare go in there unless she says you can!" She turned away from me. "But it's not what she thinks!" I tried not to yell. She didn't even turn around, she just opened the door to Jerome's room and went in. I knocked on thee door, "Danielle? Can we please talk?" "I have nothing to say to you." She said, sounding like she was crying. I felt like my heart shattered to hear her cry, and I was the reason of it. "Danielle, it's not what you think!" I said through the door, my voice cracking. "I'm not talking about it right now Tyler." She said coldly. Well at least she said not right now. I slid down the door and out my head in my hands. Jenna walked past and stopped, giving me a cold look. "I didn't do anything." I said. She sighed and whispered something to herself before walking into Mitch's room. Ivy walked by also, and looked at me a minute before saying, "I know what happened." "Yeah, and you hate me now?" I asked sighing. "Actually, no. I meant I know what actually happened. I can see it." She replied. I looked at her, "What?" She shook her head, "Never mind. All I mean is,I know you didn't cheat on Danielle, but it's up to you to make it right. If I told her she would believe me, but...... It would be better if you made it right." She walked off leaving me. Mitch walked past me, walking to his room, when he stopped and asked, "Dude, what happened?" "I screwed up, I screwed up, Oh I screwed up so bad." I muttered. I explained everything to him. "But how is that your fault?" He asked confused. "I don't know. I can't stand this Mitch! Danielle hates me! Madison hates me! Jenna probably hates me too! And, Mitch, I love Danielle. I love her so much, I don't get how this is happening." I placed my head in my hands. "Don't tell me that. Tell Danielle." Mitch said. "I can't. She won't let me talk to her and if I do, Madison will probably do worse than slap me." I muttered shaking my head. Mitch looked a little amused, "She slapped you? Sorry, not the point. Look, I'm sorry man, good luck." He wen into his room. I sighed and rested my head against the wall. How could things have gone so wrong?

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