Chapter 16- Why should I care? (Part 2)

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

*Next day*

Jerome got better which is great. I'm not gonna say what happen when I came back to his room with a movie and game. I was so exhausted I walked into Jason's room and laid on the bed. I just laid there thinking about what happen at the meeting before the whole prank thing and Jerome. There was so much to think about. Sky needed spies. And they had to be from TeamCrafted. Anyone that went could easily be found out and caught......Or worse. I let my mind wander until I heard the door open. I glanced over and saw Jason. He silently came in and laid down beside me. He put his arms behind his heads and stared at the ceiling. After about 5 minutes of silence, he asked, "So, what are you thinking about?' I kept looking at the ceiling. "Everything." He half-smiled, "That's a lot to think about." "Yeah, I guess it is." I replied still keeping my gaze on the ceiling. He propped up on his elbow, "Ok Jenna, What's wrong?" "Nothing Jason." I said. "Yes there is. Jenna I know you and when you get like this that means something is up." "Like I said Jason. Everything is wrong."But you, don't have anything, you need to worry about. So, just go to sleep and stop worrying." He said with a smile. He brushed the hair away from my face. "But, I don't worry about me," I said looking over at him, "I worry about you." He smiled. "I know that. And I worry about yu, but it isn't going to help either of us just staying up all night thinking about things that could happen." I nodded and put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He put his arms around me, like a hug and we both fell asleep.

*Jerome's p.o.v*

It was getting late. I was still sick, but I could walk around and not have to throw up every two minutes. Me, Mitch, and Ty had stayed up watching some weird show that came on, It was pretty interesting. They finally both decided to leave and I was left alone, except for Madison,who had fallen asleep on the couch. I looked over at her, She was curled up on the end of the couch, using her hand as a pillow. I smile and walked over to her. I debated whether to wake her up or not. I decided not to, since she looked so peaceful, I couldn't just leave her on the couch though, so I picked her up, slowly, and carried her to my room. I laid her on the bed so I wouldn't wake her. I laid down beside her and she moved closer to move. I smiled and put my arm around her, and went to sleep.


*Madison's p.o.v*

I woke up and realized I was no longer on the couch. It took me a moment to realize I was in Jerome's room. He wasn't in the room. I looked around for him before I thought, Why should I care?Isn't he the enemy? I still need to get away. Then I realized something. I actually did kinda care. I cared when Jenna said he was sick. I cared when he ran into the bathroom crying. I actually wanted to stay here, there wasn't really anything for me to go back to anyway. I smiled at the thought of becoming friends with everyone. I heard the door open and Jerome walked in. He started to say something, but I ran up to him and hugge him. "Oh. Umm, hey." He said, sounding a little confused. Part of me was saying this was so wrong, but the rest of me just felt like this was right. I wasn't sure what part to believe, but for now I just didn't care. Besides, if it turned out it was wrong. I can always use Betty.

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