Chapter 51- The beginning of the end

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*Garce's p.o.v*

I had stayed on the couch for a while. It must be about midnight now. I got up and slowly crept into Adam's room. I opened the door, it was dark. "H-" I was cut off by his lips hitting mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, before realizing we were in the doorway still. I pulled back, "Adam, they could see us if they walked by." He closed the door, "That would've been a great thing to have happen." He said sarcastically. I laughed, "Yep, wonderful." He sat on the bed, "So....You are wanting to fight tomorrow?" I frowned, "I am fighting tomorrow." He looked at me for a minute, "Grace you know it is dangerous. I'm not just saying that." I nodded, "I'm fully aware of that and I will be fine." I said sitting down beside him. He turned to look at me, "And what if something happened, Grace-" I cut him off, "No, don't think like that. Nothing will happen to me." He nodded and brush a stray behind my ear. He sighed, "Tomorrow you need to wear your contacts." I looked at him surprised, "But I thought you hated my contacts." He shook his head, "I do, but I don't want anyone to see your eyes." I was confused now, "What?" He sighed again, "Your eyes. I don't want anyone to see them, for various reasons." "Um ok." I was still confused but decided to drop it. He glanced at the clock, "It's getting late, you should go to sleep." I looked towards the door, "Can I sleep in here? I don'[t like sleeping along in the living room." "Grace, you know they would find you in here and ask questions." He sounded tired. "Yeah, but I have before, I can just say I was scared to be alone." I protested. He thought about it for a minute and nodded, "Alright." I laid down beside him and snuggled into his chest. "Goodnight Adam." I whispered. "Goodnight." He whispered back, putting his arm around me. 

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I was laying beside Jason, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep and he had fallen asleep a long time ago. I decided to walk around, since I couldn't sleep and I was tired of being in the room. I carefully opened the door, without making a sound, and slipped out. I silently closed the door and walked down the hallway. I turned the corner and saw Grace, I started to say hi, but something told me not to. She went up to Sky's door and opened it. Before she could walk all the way in, I saw Sky come up and kiss her. I gasped and flattened myself against the wall, so they wouldn't see me. I walked back to Jason's room and found him sitting on the bed, arms crossed. He sighed when he saw me, "Where did you go? I was worried....." I frowned, "Sorry Jason,I didn't mean to, I couldn't sleep so I decided to walk around." I told him. He nodded, "Next time please tell me? It's just with all this stuff going on, you can understand why it would worry me right?" I frowned remembering Blaine, "Yeah.....Hey have you noticed anything with Grace and Sky?" I asked, wanting to talk about something else. I noticed him tensing up a little, "Uh, no. Why?" I studied him suspiciously, "You're hiding something." "No I'm not." He said calmly. I grabbed his arm, "Yes, you are. Tell me!" He sighed, "Jenna I....Fine. You won't tell?" I nodded my head, "I won't tell." "Grace and Sky are secretly together. They don't want to tell anyone, because they are afraid Ty, and everyone else will get mad at Sky, since she is your's and Ty's sister." Jason said, turning towards me. "Ok one, that is kind of sweet. And two she isn't my sister." I remarked. Jason laughed, "Whatever you say. I tried to tell them, no one but Ty would really care, but they won't listen." (Tbh I hate Grace.. A lot XD I don't know why I made her but oh well XD.) I nodded, and I sat in silence for a while. "I hope all this will end tomorrow." I said talking about the battle that was going to happen. "Yeah," Jason said quietly, "I hope so too" "You aren't going to try and talk me out of fighting?" I asked, surprised. He shook his head, "I don't see the point in it, you will anyways." I smiled, "I'm going to sleep now." "Ok, me too." He said and laid down. I laid down beside him, curling up next to him. He wrapped his arm around my stomach, pulling me closer, "I love you." He whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "I love you too." I whispered back, smiling.

---------Time Skip--------

*Madison's p.o.v*

I had my dagger in my hand, holding it tightly. The battle had just begun and there was yelling everywhere. Jerome had gone off another way and I was left alone, there was fighting all around me. Guards, soldiers, whoever had wanted to fight for TeamCrafted was here. I studied my surroundings. I looked to the center and saw Seto and Ivy standing back to back. I really wasn't sure what they were doing, but they had both started to glow and it was kind of creepy. (Reading what I write makes me feel like people don't like Seto and Ivy XD I personally think they are awesome but yolo!) Everyone else was scattered. I looked to my left and saw a younger girl about 16 fighting a man dressed in red. She was on our side. I gasped as the man stabbed her in the chest, I ran up and stabbed the man in his heart, before he could react. I knelt beside the girl, "Hey, you will be ok. Where is a medic??" I turned back to face her, her face was white. She looked up at me, "Don't worry about me." I looked down at her, she looked about 16! How could she not care that she was dying!? "No, no, no. You will be fine. What's your name?" I asked. She smiled softly, "It doesn't matter. I have to go now." With a smile on her face, she closed her eyes. I checked for a heartbeat. She was gone. I felt angry now. I stood up, my knife in hand, and ran out to fight. I cam across a man dressed in all red, just like the other one. I started to stab him and he twisted around, blocking me. I noticed his eyes were neon green. I thought about how Seto said Ivy's eyes had been neon green when she was under the man in black's control. That's it! If we get rid of him, hopefully most of them would stop! I hadn't been paying attention and the man took the chance to stab me in the shoulder. I cried out and stabbed him in the stomach, and I ran off to tell Seto and Ivy. I held my shoulder as I ran. When I came up to them Ivy gasped, "Madison what-" "No time!" I said out of breath. I explained my theory ad fast as I could. Seto nodded, "That could work..." 

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