Chapter 12-

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*Jerome's POV*

I didn't recognize the name and it looked like the others didn't either. "Wait, are you even from our group?" said Jenna. stepping forward. "If you mean that the group that lives in those woods, the yeah. I was one of the best!" She said proudly, holding her chin up high. "This was my 20th mission." "Wait." Jenna said. "You have killed 19 people!?" Madison laughed, grinning. "More than that." I looked at Tyler who was next to me. I was surprised Danielle wasn't there. I whispered to Tyler "Where is Danielle?" He looked next to him and his eyes widened. We both looked back at Madison to see Danielle sneaking up behind her. I ran up and tackled her. "Get off Jerome! This girl nerds to be killed!" Danielle screamed. Everyone was looking at us. "Ahh Danielle. Funny seeing you here. I thought you were killed." Madison said. Danielle growled as Tyler took her inside. "Well ok then..." Sky said. "So what are we going to do with her?" I looked at him surprised. "What do you mean? I figured someone would have to watch her, like the other times." Sky raised an eyebrow, "Well I don't think anyone would actually want to Jerome. I mean she's hasn't been... exactly.. trustworthy.. she did kick Ty in the eye and tried to get away various times. And now she is happy about how many people she has killed..." "Well we are kinda raises like that." Jenna said, "I know I use to be proud." she said looking at the floor. Jason grabbed her hand as Mitch rubbed her back. Jason whispered something in her ear and she raised her head up, smiling. Oooook then. Not sure what that was about. "Fine then I will watch her." I said confidently, standing up. "Really?" Sky said, narrowing his eyes, "Are you sure?" I nodded, she wouldn't be that difficult to handle, besides, everyone deserves a second chance. Madison looked up at me, her face losing its confidant look, instead replacing it with a surprised look. "Well.... Ok. Its getting late anyways." Sky said and left the room. Everyone else slowly left too. I turned around to face her. She was looking at me, her head turned to the side, looking confused. "What did you do that for?" she asked, looking directly at me. "I believe everyone deserves a second chance." I replied honestly, shrugging. She nodded. "I'll be right back... don't try anything...." I said looking at her suspiciously. I headed into the bathroom.

*Madison's POV*

I immediately looked around the room and noticed an Axe sitting on his bedside table. Perfect. I leaned over and grabbed it as well as I could with my hands still bound together. Before I could do anything with it, I heard the door start to open. I quickly his the Axe behind me, concealing it as well as I could. He walked toward me. I thought I saw a look of suspicion cross his face before he smiled softly. Suddenly his face was very, very, close to mine. He leaned in closer , I could feel his breath on my lips as he spoke "By the way. You can't have Betty." He took a step back and I noticed he now had the axe. I cursed under my breath. He just laughed at me and placed the Axe high on a shelf. I couldn't reach it. I scowled. "Well time for bed." He said loudly. Why was he so loud? He picked me up and placed me beside him on his bed. He put an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I kicked at him and tried to push away, but he just held me tighter. "Sorry, but we can't have you leaving ." he said softly. I finally gave up, giving in to sleep.

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