Chapter 50- Mixing Magic

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*Ivy's p.o.v*
"No, focus." Seto muttered to me. We decided I needed to train, and lets just say. it isn't going to well. My magic changes with my emotion. Seto is trying to get me to calm down, but it isn't working. "If I focus, I would!" I exclaimed, frustrated. He put his hand on my shoulder, "Ivy. Calm down,it will be ok." I sighed and tried again. I was working on making things levitate and move, even though I told Seto I knew how, he was making me. Turns out, I can't make bigger objects levitate or move.... I finally succeeded in making the lamp move an inch or so. "Good." Seto told me. I groaned and turned towards him, "Seto, can't I learn something exciting?" He frowned, "You need to learn this. Be patient." "But this is boring." I complained. He half smiled, "Ok, fine. You can learn something else. Your magic seems to rely on your emotions. It does different things with each emotion, each emotion makes it more powerful than the one before. Let's see what each emotion does." I thought for a minute. 'So, I don't try and control my emotions?? There goes an hour of me controlling my emotions for nothing." He looked at me, "No, you will need to control them later, but right now, no. Let's just see what your magic does without controlling your emotions." I shrugged, "Ok." "So, what do you feel right now?" He asked. "Annoyed, because you keep asking me stupid questions." I said sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes, "Ok, try and move this pencil feeling like that." I did, and the pencil twitched a lot, but it moved. I laughed at it. "Ok, now what emotion do I need to feel?" I asked him, eager to see what would happened to the pencil next. He didn't answer for a minute and I started playing with the pencil, making it moved in circles. He leaned forward and kissed me and I gasped in surprise. He pulled back and laughed at my expression. He pointed to the pencil, or what used to be a pencil. It had become a small pink flower, with what looked like a purple crystal beside it. He raised an eyebrow, "Why is it purple?" I looked at him, still halfway confused,"I don't know, I thought you did. Did our magic mix together or something?" I studied his face. It went from confused to surprise. "I guess it could be, but that would mean.....No, it was just probably a random thing that happened. I mean something like that hasn't happened fro a while..." He kept trailing off. I put my hand on his arm, "What would it mean? Just because it hasn't happened in a while doesn't  mean it can't. I mean, you said someone like me hadn't happened in a while." I said, wanting to know what he was talking about. He looked at me for a minute, then shook his head, "It's....It's nothing." "Seto! Tell me! I have a right to know!" I demanded, feeling angry. "Ivy, it's nothing!" He replied sounding annoyed. "Then why wouldn't you tell me!?" I half yelled. The books, pens, and pencils around Seto's feet started to shake, before he took a deep breath and they went still. He just stared at me. I'm not sure why I got so angry, I just did, "Seto, I can't believe you won't tell me! I'm not like the others, I actually understand magic or I want to, but I can't if you won't let me!" I yelled and thrust my arms down by my sides. I'm not sure what happened after that, but there was a flash of green and purple and when it went away, Seto was on the floor. I gasped, "S-Seto? What did I do? I'm sorry!" He groaned, but didn't open his eyes. I let out a sigh. The door flew open and Jerome,Ty, Grace, Madison, and Sky stood there. "What's all the yelling about?" Grace asked. "What did you do!?" Ty said loudly, walking over to Seto. I felt tears come to my eyes, "I don't..I don't know. I got angry and...And...." I stopped, trying to keep tears from spilling. Grace came up behind me and put her arm around me, "Look he's fine, he will be ok. It's not your fault." She told me, trying to keep me from crying. "Y-yes it is." I said trying to calm down. "Ivy, I don't know what to do for him. Whatever you did, it's magic and I don't know how to treat that...." Ty said, he was knelt beside Seto. Jerome was knelt beside him too, both looked confused. Madison was on the other side of me, and Sky had gone to see if the others knew what to do. I looked at Seto, and reluctantly let my magic take over for a minute. No injuries,blood pressure- average. Magic- slight changes. Madison was shaking me, "What happened? You eyes glowed yellow....." I shook my head, "He is just knocked out, his blood pressure is fine, he just needs rest." No one doubted me. Ty and Jerome placed Seto on his bed. They all started to leave the room, and I followed. Ty stopped me, "You should stay with him." I looked down, "No, he won't want to be around me. He will hate me." Grace stepped forward, "No, he won't! He likes you Ivy, he won't hate you." I looked at her, "Like I told you before Grace. I can tell when someone likes someone. Seto? He doesn't like me. I tried for the longest time not to read him, because I didn't want to pry. But one day I did and, nothing. Not a thing." I felt tears welling up, and I blinked them back. Madison put her hand on my shoulder, "He won't blame you. It'll be fine." She mentioned for the guys to leave. They walked quickly out of the room, trying to look like they hadn't been listening. I wanted to change the subject, "Grace, what happened between you and Sky? I can sense a difference." She hesitated, "No. He still doesn't like me, I guess you read him wrong or something." I looked at her suspiciously. "What's this?" Madison asked me. I turned and saw the small green flower and purple crystal. "Oh..." I told them the story and how that had led tome getting angry. 'Well, we are going to leave now, and you are going to stay and Seto won't be mad at you." Madison said firmly and left the room, Grace behind her. I went over to the bed and looked at Seto. I sat beside him, for what seemed like forever, until he finally moaned and opened his eyes. He flickered his eyes over to me, and I froze, sure he would lash out at me or yell or ignore me. Instead he said, "Hey." His voice was barely above a whisper. "Are you ok?" I asked timidly. He nodded, "I feel pretty good actually." I nodded my head, not knowing what to say. Finally I broke the silence, "Seto, how are you not mad at me? I-I thought I hurt you or, worse killed you. I figured you would hate me." He propped himself  up on his elbow, "What? No! Why would I hate you?" I looked at him confused, "Do you not remember?" He thought for a minute, "Yes I do, you got angry and something weird happened with our magic." "But I-Wait.....Our magic?" I asked confused. He sighed, and sat up. I noticed a small green streak in his hair. It definitely hadn't been the earlier. "Why is your hair green right there? I don't understand." I asked quietly. "I didn't want to say anything earlier, because I wasn't sure, but now I really am." He said. "Remember, what I didn't tell you?" He asked. I nodded. "Ummm...Let me tell it in a story version. Or sort of a story version, it's easier." He said. I nodded again, eager for him to continue."A long time ago, every witch and sorcerer had a match. A soul mate, if you want to say that. This is when there were a lot of witches and sorcerers. Today, hardly any of the witches or sorcerers left look for their match, since it is so hard to find them. They still have one, but thy usually never find each other. When they find each other, their magic is stronger. And as they become closer, their magic will mix. They usually preform a spell that combines their magic. That's what they do today. But, long ago, they used a spell that combined them. But if one got hurt so did the other." He stopped and looked at me, "And Ivy? You are my match." I looked at him." A-and what spell did I do?" "I think you did the spell they did a long time ago...." He said quietly. "Oh.....I'm sorry...." I muttered. I couldn't believe I was his match.... "Don't be." He replied, looking at me. I looked back, "Wait, but why does your hair have a streak of green now? A part of the spell?" I asked. He slowly shook his head, "Not exactly. It's a spell but not the same one. You...You sort of marked me." He barely touched the green streak, not looking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "You marked me. Meaning, everyone knows I found my match, that you are my match." He answered. "Um sorry? I didn't mean to.." I said, "I don't even know how I did.." He looked at me funny, "I don't know either, you must have when I was asleep, on accident." I nodded, "Oh..." He smirked, "That means I get to mark you." I shrugged, "Ok." He placed his hand on the back of my head, and kissed me. Suddenly I felt warm inside. I felt like I was floating. I felt so happy. He pulled back and picked up and part of my hair and held it where I could see. It was purple. When he touched it, it sparkled. "If that's how you mark someone, how did I mark you?" I asked, still very confused. He shrugged, "I'm still trying to figure that out." "Lets go tell everyone you're ok." I said, suddenly remembering. He nodded and took my hand, leading me downstairs. Everyone was talking or yelling or whatever. Jerome had the truth or dare device and was trying to convince people to play. Seto smiled and placed his hand in front of him, to take the device using magic. Instead of it being his normal purple, it was a swirl of purple and dark green. Everyone turned. "What was that Seto? And why is part of your hair green?" Sky asked. Seto sighed, sitting down and explaining it to them. "Aw! That's so sweet!" Danielle exclaimed. I smiled at her. I opened my mouth to say something when a loud voice echoed through the castle. "Hello Teamcrafted. It is lovely yo see you again. I did think of not contacting you and just surprise attacking, but what's the fun in that? So, tomorrow at 3pm, we will meet for battle. You don't have to show up, or go anywhere. We will be right outside your castle. Until then!" The voice went off. I recognized it as the man in black's voice. I scowled and everyone looked around in shock. "What..What do we do Sky?" Ian asked. Sky grimaced, "We fight." Madison turned to Jerome, "Don't you even think of telling me I can't fight, because I will." He sighed and nodded. Jenna looked at Jason, "I'm fighting too."  He looked ready to protest but he nodded. The other girls agreed that they were fighting too, including me. It was almost 8 and we were all tired and needed to rest anyways. So we all headed to bed. 

*Shadow's p.o.v*

        I followed Ty up to his room, and laid down on the bed. I felt him lay down beside me and he asked, "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." I answered. "Is your real name Shadow? Or is it just what people call you?" He asked, looking at me. I smiled, "It's just what people call me." "Then what is your real name?" He asked, sounding confused. I shook my head, "Maybe one day I'll tell you." I smirked. He laughed, "Fine. Don't tell me." He put his arm around me and I snuggled up closer, closing my eyes.

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