Chapter 31- Breaking rules

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I woke up the next morning to find Ty was gone. I sat up and looked around the room. "Ty? Hello?" I shook my head he must have already woken up and went downstairs. That was strange though, he always waited for me. I stood up and walked to the door. When I turned the knob, it was locked. "Hey." I hit my fists on the door. "Why is the door locked!" The door opened and I stepped back from it. Ian was on the other side of the door, he half way smiled, "Um, hi. You aren't going to like this." He walked past me into the room. "What. Is. It." I asked, very annoyed. He hesitated, "Well, Jerome, Jason, and Mitch figured you would and Madison would follow them-" I knew that, Mitch already told me, "Yes, I know, and?" I asked impatiently. "So, Sky told them to leave this morning before you guys woke up." My expression hardened. "They didn't want to! Honest! They argued about it for a while, before Sky made them leave!" He added quickly when he saw my face. "Well can I talk I talk to Madison or Danielle?" I asked. He hesitated again, "Um, about that, you can't talk to Madison, because you could come up with a plan to follow them and well she still kind of hates you so. But, you can talk to Danielle." "Ok." I gave in. I must have looked worried, because Ian came over and gave me a hug. It was a friendly hug, "Hey, it'll be ok. He'll come back safe." He said softly. I nodded and he left the room, locking the door behind him. I sat there until I couldn't stand not doing anything anymore. I sat up and walked across the room. I opened the closet door, just because and looked around. I laughed a little when I noticed most of Ty's shirt were just white with black trimming. I pushed them back and noticed a door. It was blocked by boxes and I moved them. I wondered if Ty knew about this, I mean he has to, he put the stuff here, but did he remember it was here? I slowly twisted the knob and found it would open. I opened it and, judging by the clothing, it led Mitch's room. I smiled. The room next to Mitch's was Jerome's which must be where Madison is. I walked around his room trying to figure out where Jerome's closet would be. I have only been in there four times. The closet was on the wall that he shares with Mitch's room. I walked over to a tall cabinet. I tried to open it, but it was locked. "Great. More work." I said to myself. I looked all over the room for a key, but no luck. Finally it hit me. I went over to the little necklace he said his mom got him. I opened it and a key fell out. I picked it up and ran to the cabinet and unlocked it. I walked through the cabinet that led into Jerome's room. I smiled and opened the door and saw Madison laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Hi." I said and she jumped. "How did you get in here with the door locked?" She asked. "There is a door that connects Ty's room to Mitch's and Jerome's. Ty can go to Mitch's room through his closet and Mitch can get into Jerome's room by going into a large cabinet that goes to Jerome's closet. I guess it was there when they built this place." I answered. "So i'm guessing we are going to make a plan? I asked with a smile. "Oh,yeah. And don't worry I'm not going to kill you just yet." She said with a smirk. There was a noise coming at the door and I ran back through the closet and into Mitch's room. I landed on the bed. It was only Danielle. "You know first off you're in the wrong room, but we all know about the closet going into Ty's room well I do anyway." I frowned, "You're in on this too?" She smiled, "Sorta." "What do you mean? Are Ian and Sky outside still?" I asked. "Nope, come on." She said. "What?" I asked, even more confused. "I'm helping you and Madison with your plan, but I get to be in the plan." She said. I nodded. We both walked over to Jerome's room which was right next to Mitch's room. Madison hurriedly walked out. All three of us went down the stairs and to the entrance way. No one was around and we hurried out the door. Once we were out we ran towards the woods and didn't stop until we were halfway there. Then we all stopped to rest. "Hey, guys? What if they find us?" Danielle asked. "Who? The boys or the assassins?" I asked. "Does it matter? Either one will kill us." She said with a smile.  "By the way Danielle, why did you want to come?" I asked her, Tyler hadn't gone. "I don't know, I wanted to get out, be involved." She shrugged. "Yeah, because last time was just soooooo much fun." Madison said sarcastically.

*Seto's p.o.v*

Ivy had finally untied my wrist, so I just walking around the cell. I tried multiple times to use my magic, but nothing. I hated this necklace. I didn't try to take it off since it was probably protected by her magic. Today, she said someone was coming to talk to me, her boss. I heard footsteps coming. I stood at the bars and waited. The man that wore all black and had caught Jenna and Madison. He was the boss, like we had thought. He walked up to the bars of my cell. He smirked,"I sense you don't care for me, little sorcerer.: I could tell something was weird with him right away. He had the same feeling as Ivy did. "My name is Seto." I growled. "Doesn't matter. You will join our side." He said, his voice sounded strange when he said that. "Never." I glared at him. He laughed, "In time, I will find your weakness and use it." I realized something. He was using magic to try and convince me to do what he said. I gasped, "Sorcerer! A- and you control Ivy! That's why her magic is white! She still has some control though, that's why she isn't harsh towards me!" I said aloud, excited I had figured it out. He scowled and left. Now I knew why Ivy acted like that, witched with green hair, are usually inclined to do good things, that's why it confused me so much. About an hour later she walked into the cell, "He isn't happy with you." She stated. "I wouldn't think he would be, since I figured him out." I murmured. "What do you mean?" She asked. I turned toward her, "Ivy, you are a good person, I know it! I can tell! But he controls you! Don't let him Ivy, he knows you are a witch and is trying to use you." She looked at me and her eyes turned a light yellow, like they did when she wasn't around him. "We need to-" She started then her eyes turned to dark green again. "He wouldn't." She said simpily and turned her back to me. I spun her around and grabbed her arms, "Ivy, you think he won't hurt me? He won't kill me? If he can't get me to join, he will do both, and he isn't getting me to join any time soon. He will kill you too when he is done with me." I put my forehead against hers. "Ivy, I know you can fight him." Suddenly she jerked back, and a flash of white was around her. When it went away she was sitting on the floor. "Seto? What happened?" She asked me, her eyes were light yellow. I sighed, "I'll explain later, we need to go, like now." She nodded and pulled me by the arm out of the cell. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. To my suprise it was Jerome, Mitch, Ty, and Jason. Mitch pulled back and arrow and aimed at Ivy. "Let Seto go." He demanded. "No, no, guys. It's ok. She's with us." I said stepping in front of her. Mitch looked suspicious but lowered his bow. "We need to leave, now!" Ivy said urgenlty fer in her eyes. We all ran out.

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