Chapter 27- Ivy

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*Ivy's p.o.v*

I pulled my long, green hair into a ponytail and walked out of my tent. As soon ad I walked out, people made way for me. Even before I became the new assistant, I had been treated with respect from others. I smirked as people scooted over to let me through. I made my way to the boss's tent. He has a name but no one knows it, so we call him boss or him. I was his assistant in making plans now, and mine involved saving a certain someone in TeamCrafted. I walked into his tent. "Ah, Ivy. I assume you have a plan." He asked. I nodded, "Yes sir," I hesitated, "Um, it is about the same as the original but it is, altered a little." He smiled, "I knew my plan was great! What are your changes?" I explained it to him and he looked at me. "Isn't he a sorcerer?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I slowly nodded, "Yes but-" "Hmmm. This could be a good idea since we don't have sorcerers." He thought aloud. I started to mention something but stopped. He continued, "But he won't be on our side, he won't want to be with us." I smiled, "I can convince him." He thought about this, "Fine. You may take two people with you, and you have three days or it doesn't matter." I nodded and went to find my two people. "You two!" I shouted, " Come with me." Two people, a short girl and a fairly tall boy. I smiled. I was finally going to have a sorcerer.

I know I know! Short chapters. Maybe the short girl will become a character. I don't know. For awhile though she won't. But yeah going to update some more!

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