Chapter 44- Too much Drama

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*Blake's p.o.v* (no, not a new person, sorry.)

I was standing in his tent. He had finally chosen me for a mission and it was a special one for me. I would be able to get revenge. I was going to get Shadow back, but I was also getting revenge on the guys that killed my brothers. They thought they killed me to, but the knife didn't go all the way through. I was healed now and I was ready for revenge. "Ok, Blake. You can go now." He told me. I nodded and walked out the door, the young boy I was training with followed me. He was only about 15 but I needed someone to go and everyone else was busy training. He followed me without a sound as we healed towards TeamCrafted's castle.

*Jason's p.o.v*

It coudln't have been more than 30 minutes before I heard a noise downstairs. I opened my eyes again and went to look out the door. I didn't see anything so I just laid back down. I had drifted off to sleep, when I felt something cold press against my neck. I tensed up and opened my eyes. A boy about 18 with black hair stood over me. He looked strangely familiar. "Hello." He said smirking. "Remember me?" Then it hit me. He was the one I found with Jenna. I thought I had killed him. "I thought you were..." I began. ''Dead?" He laughed, "Almost, Your friends killed my brothers though." He said coolly. He hasn't noticed Jenna yet, she had put her had under the covers in her sleep. I glanced over for a split second and he followed my gaze. Without removing his knife, he slowly pulled back the covers. He smirked when he saw her, 'Don't worry, I'm not here for her, even though she is very pretty, along with her friends." I scowled, "Then why are you here?" "For my girlfriend." He replied matter of fact. I raised my eyebrows, "Your girlfriend? Who is that?" "Shadow. She is very important to me." He frowned, "Where is she?" "I'm not telling you." I claimed. He shrugged, "Fine." Before I could do anything he had remove his knife from my neck and was now holding it at Jenna's. I stifled a gasp. Her eyes fluttered open and stared up at him. "J-Jason?" "It's going to be ok." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "Nothing will happen to you if your boyfriend here, will just go get Shadow." I scowled. "Fi-" "No wait. I can take you! Trust me I know where she is." Jenna spoke up. What? That man thought for a moment, "Ok. But I'm going with you cause I don't trust you. Alex come here." He called out to a boy. A kid about 15 came in the window. "Y-yes?" he said. The man handed him a knife, "Hold this knife and do not move it." He said. The kid Alex came over and took the knife from Jenna's neck and moved it to mine. "Ok, lead the way. And if you try to warn anyone or try to play a trick this will happen." He motioned to Alex and he grimaced and pressed the knife into my skin and a trickle of blood went down my neck. I winced a little but Jenna just nodded and lead the way.

*Jenna's p.o.v*

I lead the way to Ty's room. Normally I would've lead him to a different room, but I don't want them to hurt Jason and I want Shadow out of here. I lead them to Ty's room and opened the door. He pushed past me and picked Shadow up gently. Her eyes flew open, "Ty?' Her eyes widened when she noticed it wasn't him, "Blake." She whispered. Blake frowned, "Why are you not happy to see me?" Ty had woken up and now he stood up, "Hey! Put her down!" He exclaimed. He started to move towards Blake, but I grabbed his arm and shook my head, ''Don't they have Jason, plus it's best if she leaves with he real boyfriend." I said coldly. His eyes widened and he turned towards Blake, "Why do you want Shadow so badly?" Ty said. "Like she said, I'm her boyfriend. And well she's my girlfriend." Shadow had been quiet until now,"Because I had to be!" Blake looked down at her surprised, "But you never said anything before..." His eyes narrowed at her, and he looked up at me and Ty. "No You. You removed the spell." He sounded angry. He put Shadow down and grabbed her by the arm. He pushed her and she fell to the ground. She tried to move away but he kicked at her and she cried out. I knew Ty wasn't going to be able to take this much longer, and a part of me wasn't either. "Come on man." I said, 'That's no way to treat your girlfriend like that." Blake laughed, "And what will you do?" I grimaced and glared at him. Grace poked her head in the door, "Guys what's-" she stopped. "What are you doing." She asked Blake coldly. Blake stared at her for a minute, "Getting back what's mine." Grace frowned, "By hurting Shadow?" She kicked at him and he grabbed her leg and she fell back and her head hit the floor. She groaned and closed her eyes. Ty punched him in the jaw and Blake stepped back and smiled, "You shouldn't have done that. Alex! Do it!" He yelled through the ceiling. "NO!" I yelled. A/N" What if I just stopped there and not update till tomorrow night...Muahahaha

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