Chapter 33- Tricks

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I opened my eyes and tried to stretch, but found I couldn't pull my arms apart. They were tied above me to the wall. I was standing up with my back to the wall. I had a headache. I groaned and looked around. I was in a four walled room with stairs leading somewhere. I looked across from me and saw Madison, and to my left was Danielle. Danielle was awake too and was looking around. "Where are we?" She groaned turning her head towards me. " I don't know, I don't remember." I said laying my head on my shoulder. Danielle looks at the floor, "I sorta got caught, I'm guessing that has something to do with it." "Oh." I answered. Madison began to stir and finally she opened her eyes. "Where are we?" she asked. "We dunno." I answered. She looked up at her hands, "I can't get this loose!" she complained. "I know." Danielle sighed, "I've been trying." There were footsteps coming down the stairs and we all faked sleep."Are they asleep?" asked one voice. "Still?" asked a second one. "No, they can't be." said a third. "Just tickle them to find out." the first voice said. I felt someone tickle my stomach and I finally couldn't help but giggle and move. I looked up at a boy with black hair and hazel eyes was looking down at me. He smirked, "Yep they were awake." I scowled at him. A boy with blond hair and brown eyes was beside Madison and the boy with brown hair was beside Danielle, they both were scowling the two boys. "Good thing they didn't do that when Boss was down here." Said the one with blond hair. "Yeah, he would've just hit them." Said the brown haired boy, smirking. I narrowed my eyes at them. Danielle just looked around confused and Madison was giving them all death glares. "What do you want with us?" Danielle asked. The brown headed boy answered, "Us? Nothing. Boss? We will let him tell you. He told us to watch you three. Apparently you have escaped him in the past." Danielle frowned, "Let us go." "Aw, but then I couldn't see your pretty hair." The boy said twirling her golden hair between his fingers. She turned away from him. "Leave her alone." I protested. The black haired bouy turned towards me. "Are you jealous? Here, I'll talk to you." "No, go away!" I turned my head and he put his hand under my chin. "Leave. Us. ALONE!" Madison yelled.  Footsteps came running down the stairs. "Boys! I said watch them!" It was the man in black. "You may leave now." The boys frowned and left. "Sorry about them..." The man said. Sorry? He said sorry? Ok then.... He walked to the center of the room, "We're not going to hurt you. You are just, er lets say, bait. For TeamCrafted." "Let us go." Madison growled. He laughed, "Only way to do that would be..." His face got serious. He laughed, "Oh that would break them! Or at least the four of them, but that's enough." We all looked at each other. What? "You three wil join me." He looked at us all Danielle snorted, "Yeah, right." He snikered. "Willingly or unwillingly either way you will." He went upstairs and returned with a glass with a purple looking drink. He put it to Madison's mouth. "Drink." She turned her head until he forced her to take a 3rd of it. She coughed when he pulled it back. Same thing with Danielle and me. It tasted horrible. He laughed, "In 4 days, you will listen to anything I say. Oh it will kill those 4 TeamCrafted boys. And it will be you that tricks them into coming here. They won't for now, because they think it is a trap. And if they could get to you in time, that sorcerer could save you.But it will be the ones they love that kill them." Danielle gasped, "No!" He laughed, "Yes. It willbe amusing." "You monster!" I yelled at him away upstairs. We all looked at each other, horrifie. I wouldn't would I?

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