Chapter 15- Prank

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

I dragged Jerome with me out into the village. "Jenna what are you doing!?" He said. I stayed silence until we got a shop. "What are we doing at Rix22?" Jerome asked. I smirked. "How would you like to become a beautiful woman Fluffy?" I said. He gulped. I laughed and dragged him into the store.

*Two hours later.*

"And.. done!" I said as I backed away from the beautiful Fluffy. I spun his chair around so he could see himself in the mirror. "Oh my god... Jenna... I'm beautiful!" He said wiping away a fake tear. I laughed. "Now all we need is a name and for Mitch to go outside so you can attack him." We sat there for a minute thinking. "What about Roxanne?" Jerome said. "Yeah sounds pretty bad ass to me!" I said. "JENNA! WATCH THAT MOUTH OF YOURS! I WILL GET AUNT JANET TO WASH IT OUT!" Jero- I mean Roxanne said. "Whatever Roxy." I dragged him to a hiding spot outside of the castle. "Here I will call you from the walkie talkie when he gets close to your spot." I said. Roxanne nodded. (Sorry if you get confused between Jerome and Roxanne in this chapter.)  I ran up to the castle and told Madison my plan. "Yeah. I will get Mitch to go outside don't worry. Just between me and you Mitch is actually scared of me." We both laughed. Madison walked to go tell Mitch that I wanted to meet him by the place Jerome is hidden at.

*Mitch' p.o.v*

Madison ran into my room. "Hey Canada freak. Jenna wants you to met her outside by the woods." She said in a high pitched voice. "Ummm? Why are you talking like a four year old girl?" I asked. "Tyler and I were playing Truth or Dare and I have to talk like this for the whole day!" She said running out of my room. I groaned and got up. Jerome hasn't come back since Jenna took him out to help her with something. I make it outside by the woods. I wait for Jenna to show up. I felt arms go around my neck. I turn around thinking it would be Jenna wanting us to have some privacy. Instead I get a better surprise.

*Jerome/Roxanne's p.o.v*

"He is coming!" Jenna said to me. I don't know why she wants to prank Mitch back, but I don't care I get to dress like a butt kicking girl who is also very sexy. I heard footsteps get closer. I stop moving. I try to peek and see if it's Mitch, but I wait. The footsteps stop. I peek up and see a checkered sweatshirt and mess brown hair. Yep that's Mitch. I get up from my spot quietly and go behind him and grab his neck. He turns around and freaks out. "Your not Jenna!" He said. "Yeah no duh. Who is Jenna anyway?" I say in my best girl voice. "No one. Who are you?" He said. I grinned and pull out the sword Jenna gave me. "Your nightmare." I let go of him and go to cut him. He dodges it. It wasn't long before this turned into a fight session. I know me and Mitch normally play figth but my god he can really hurt you. I got a few good cuts on him until he finally knocked me on the ground and tied my arms. He walked me back into the castle. I saw Jenna out of the corner of my eye. She nodded at me. That means she told everyone but a few people about our plan. Everyone gathered in the living room including Sky. "Who are you!?" Sky said. "Why do you care you squid face." I said. I could tell he got a little mad at that. "Hey I think I have seen you before." Jenna said. I looked at her. "Oh yeah I remember you." I said. "Jenna who is this creature?" Jason said. "I don't remember her name, but we trained together at that assassin camp." She said. All of them sat here for a few minutes trying to get me to answer questions. "Fine if it really bothers you my name is Roxanne." I said. Sky gathered everyone in a circle discussing who should watch me. Everyone volunteered Mitch. He sighed. "Fine. Get up Roxanne." He said yanking me kinda hard. He dragged me to his room. It was pretty early to go to bed, but whatever. He threw me on his bed and closed the door. "Can't you be a little bit gentler?" I asked. "No. I can't." He said. I could tell he was upset. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing I'm mad at Jenna she tricked me.'" He said. "Your lying. I can tell." I say. He turned around and faced me. "No I'm not." He said. I sighed. "No point of arguing what's wrong?" He sat down next to me and covered his face with his hands. "My best friend left with Jenna earlier this morning, but when Jenna returned I asked where Jerome was and she said he was in the village. He will be back by 5. By the time it was 5 he wasn't back so I was guessing he was just late. Then another hour passed nothing. Soon it was 7 and he hasn't come back. Now here we are at 9 o'clock at night and he hasn't come back." He said crying. It actually broke my heart to see my biggums crying.I tried not to hug him, but I couldn't hold myself back. "Umm."He said. "It's ok. I know what you are going through." I said which was actually true. "When I was only 6 my brother he was about 14 he went to go play with his friends and said he would be back at 8 to watch our favorite show. It was 10 o'clock when me and my mother got worried. We went all around town looking for him, but no luck. We were searching for three months until my mother told me the harsh truth." I said trying not to cry. "She said 'Roxanne honey.' And my grandma just passed away that week so I was kinda upset already. Her words I will always remember. 'Roxanne the police found Jordan.' I got so happy cause they found him alive. 'But he isn't well alive.' I thought he was just sleeping when she said that. 'Can we see him!?' I said to her. She started crying. 'We will one day honey. Not now though he isn't in good shape.' And as a 6 year old you never think that a person is dead. When I was 14 I asked my mom if we could see him and she told me the truth." I couldn't hold it in I busted out crying. God I hope my makeup isn't washing off. Mitch hugged me. "My brother was murder badly. I don't like the details the police showed me. My therapist tried to help me but the image is clued in my head. 'Jordan Maron, 14, found dead.' They showed a picture of him dead. The last thing he said to me was to be brave and he loves me. And when I see his picture I don't see my amazing brother I just see the dead boy in the news paper." I wipe away my tears finishing my story. "Wow that's almost exactly what happen to my best friend's sister." Mitch said.Crap I forgot I was still doing this prank. I looked at him. "Yeah he was only 9 when he saw his 16 year old sister die. She had cancer actually. It was so sad. He was depressed for weeks." I remember my sister dying of cancer too. Mitch lifted my chin up. Oh god I know where this s going. I looked into his eyes. I never really noticed how amazing they were (Merome action xD) Mitch started to lean in. Good thing Jenna got me fake lips. I felt a soft push on my lips. Oh god I forgot to put the fake lips on! I didn't want to ruin this moment for the poor guy. After about a minute I pull away. I back away. "Where are you going Roxanne?" Mitch asked. I ran out of the room and down to my room. Jenna and Madison were in there. "How did it go?" Madison asked. I didn't say anything I ran into the bathroom. I heard Jenna ask Madison to leave so she could talk to me alone. I want to be left alone.

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